From: Nicholas Kinar on

I would like to create a number of plots in Matlab for inclusion in a
Latex document. The Latex processor that I am currently using is Lyx.

What is the best way to export 2D plots created by the plot command so
that the bounding plot boxes are all the same size? I would like to
create a number of subfigures in Latex/Lyx.

Is there a possibility of doing this in such a way as to avoid using
toolboxes external to Matlab (i.e. those found on the File Exchange)?


From: Rune Allnor on
On 22 Mar, 18:34, Nicholas Kinar <> wrote:
> Hello--
> I would like to create a number of plots in Matlab for inclusion in a
> Latex document.  The Latex processor that I am currently using is Lyx.
> What is the best way to export 2D plots created by the plot command so
> that the bounding plot boxes are all the same size?  I would like to
> create a number of subfigures in Latex/Lyx.
> Is there a possibility of doing this in such a way as to avoid using
> toolboxes external to Matlab (i.e. those found on the File Exchange)?


Plain vanilla matlab:


should get you a long way.

From: Nicholas Kinar on

> set(gcf,'paperunits','centimeters')
> set(gcf,'papersize',[12,8])
> set(gcf,'paperporition',[0,0,12,8])
> should get you a long way.
> Rune

Yup - works for me, Rune. On R2009a I had to change 'paperporition' to
'PaperPosition' in the line of code above to have everything compile
cleanly, but it's the same idea.

Many thanks for pointing this out -
