From: Airballman on
Hi everyone,

I'm curretly working on Sonar Image processing and I would need to process the Zernicke moments of an image. I found some source code on the Internet here, and I use the mb_zernike.m function. However, this function calls mb_Znl which is a c++ file on the website.
I asume the guy compiled it to create .mex which would be understandable by matlab.

Here is the file header :
// mb_Znl.cpp
// Michael Boland
// 09 Dec 1998
// Revisions:

#include "mex.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "complex.h"

#define row 0mex
#define col 1

#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

So I tried to compile the file using
mex -c mb_Znl.cpp

but It keeps returning errors :
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Error E2102 mb_Znl.cpp 55: Cannot use template 'complex<T>' without specifying specialization parameters in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2040 mb_Znl.cpp 55: Declaration terminated incorrectly in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2102 mb_Znl.cpp 56: Cannot use template 'complex<T>' without specifying specialization parameters in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2040 mb_Znl.cpp 56: Declaration terminated incorrectly in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2380 mb_Znl.cpp 64: Unterminated string or character constant in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2121 mb_Znl.cpp 65: Function call missing ) in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2380 mb_Znl.cpp 69: Unterminated string or character constant in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2379 mb_Znl.cpp 71: Statement missing ; in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2451 mb_Znl.cpp 113: Undefined symbol 'sum' in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2451 mb_Znl.cpp 118: Undefined symbol 'Vnl' in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2285 mb_Znl.cpp 134: Could not find a match for 'conj<T>(undefined)' in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2285 mb_Znl.cpp 146: Could not find a match for 'real<T>(undefined)' in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2285 mb_Znl.cpp 147: Could not find a match for 'imag<T>(undefined)' in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
*** 13 errors in Compile ***

C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2007B\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Compile of 'mb_Znl.cpp' failed.

As I am absolutely not confident with c++ nor with the mex function I ask for help. What could I do to solve the problem?

As far as I am concerned, It seems like the complex library is not taken into consideration as the errors begins with the creation of complex variables :

complex sum = 0.0 ; /* Accumulator for complex moments */
complex Vnl = 0.0 ; /* Inner sum in Zernike calculations */

I hope someone could help me on this, I've been trying for 3 days without any good :'(

Feel free to ask for information if needed ! Thx a lot
