From: Matthew on
Hey guys,

I need to minimize this function:
theta = acosd(sind(delta)*sind(phi)*cosd(beta)-sind(delta)*cosd(phi)*...

to be more specific, theta(delta,phi,beta,psi,omega)

delta, phi, and omega will be constant. I just want to find phi and beta that minimizes the function as close to zero as possible.
From: Matthew on
** Want to find beta and psi
From: Roger Stafford on
"Matthew " <matthewnorlander(a)> wrote in message <htf599$1h4$1(a)>...
> Hey guys,
> I need to minimize this function:
> theta = acosd(sind(delta)*sind(phi)*cosd(beta)-sind(delta)*cosd(phi)*...
> sind(beta)*cosd(psi)+cosd(delta)*cosd(phi)*cosd(beta)*cosd(omega)+...
> cosd(delta)*sind(phi)*sind(beta)*cosd(psi)*cosd(omega)+cosd(delta)*...
> sind(beta)*sind(psi)*sind(omega));
> to be more specific, theta(delta,phi,beta,psi,omega)
> delta, phi, and omega will be constant. I just want to find phi and beta that minimizes the function as close to zero as possible.

> ** Want to find beta and psi
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Do this:

A = sind(delta)*sind(phi)+cosd(delta)*cosd(phi)*cosd(omega);
B = -sind(delta)*cosd(phi)+cosd(delta)*sind(phi)*cosd(omega);
C = cosd(delta)*sind(omega);
omega = 180/pi*atan2(C,B);
beta = 180/pi*atan2(sqrt(B^2+C^2),A);

Then the argument of acosd will be 1 and thus theta will be 0.

The reasoning is that you can easily show that A^2+B^2+C^2 = 1 is identically true. Then the argument of acosd can be written

A*cosd(beta) + B*sind(beta)*cosd(psi) + C*sind(beta)*sind(psi) =
A*cosd(beta) + (B*cosd(psi) + C*sind(psi))*sind(beta)

By choosing psi = 180/pi*atan2(C,B) we make B*cosd(psi) + C*sind(psi) equal to sqrt(B^2+C^2). Thus the argument of acosd becomes

A*cosd(beta) + sqrt(B^2+C^2)*sind(beta)

Then by choosing beta = 180/pi*atan2(sqrt(B^2+C^2),A), we make the acosd argument equal to


which is just 1. Hence acosd(1) = 0 which is its minimum principal value.

Roger Stafford
From: Roger Stafford on
"Roger Stafford" <ellieandrogerxyzzy(a)> wrote in message <htfefp$op0$1(a)>...
> .......
> A = sind(delta)*sind(phi)+cosd(delta)*cosd(phi)*cosd(omega);
> B = -sind(delta)*cosd(phi)+cosd(delta)*sind(phi)*cosd(omega);
> C = cosd(delta)*sind(omega);
> omega = 180/pi*atan2(C,B);
> beta = 180/pi*atan2(sqrt(B^2+C^2),A);
> .......
- - - - - - - - - -
I mistakenly changed omega instead of psi. The code should read:

A = sind(delta)*sind(phi)+cosd(delta)*cosd(phi)*cosd(omega);
B = -sind(delta)*cosd(phi)+cosd(delta)*sind(phi)*cosd(omega);
C = cosd(delta)*sind(omega);
psi = 180/pi*atan2(C,B);
beta = 180/pi*atan2(sqrt(B^2+C^2),A);

Roger Stafford
From: Walter Roberson on
Roger Stafford wrote:
> "Matthew " <matthewnorlander(a)> wrote in message
> <htf599$1h4$1(a)>...

>> I need to minimize this function:
>> theta = acosd(sind(delta)*sind(phi)*cosd(beta)-sind(delta)*cosd(phi)*...
>> sind(beta)*cosd(psi)+cosd(delta)*cosd(phi)*cosd(beta)*cosd(omega)+...
>> cosd(delta)*sind(phi)*sind(beta)*cosd(psi)*cosd(omega)+cosd(delta)*...
>> sind(beta)*sind(psi)*sind(omega));

> Do this:

> Then the argument of acosd will be 1 and thus theta will be 0.

There are also solutions for arbitrary phi. They are, however, more than
1000 lines long.
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