From: Sonic on 12 Apr 2010 11:35 Hello, First of all i am using Matlab 2007b and I am trying to simulate a flyback converter (in Simulink) using the well-known topology one can find into Mohan's bibliography. However, if i choose to have a mosfet for the switch operation, there seems to be a extravagant losses on it (few Volts), which by the use of transformer are multiplied and therefore seen in output. My thoughts have come to the fact that the mosfet is in series with the "winding 1", which is an inductor. And as help about the mosfet block clearly states "The MOSFET block cannot be connected in series with an inductor, a current source, or an open circuit, unless its snubber circuit is in use". Anyway, i have replaced the mosfet with switch, ideal switch etc and the problem disappears. At first, i thought that there is a problem on the driven pulses since there are not in level of Vgs=15-18 Vaults (to reduce the on losses), but having tried many things i am not quite sure at the moment. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
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