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What language is this? They're talking about Moving Dimensions


Za globje razumevanje fizikalne realnosti, bo verjetno treba
spremeniti konceptualni pogled na nekatere temeljne pojme, s katerimi
se v fiziki operira.

En tak zanimiv in precej radikalen pogled je naprimer MDT (Moving
Dimensions Theory) kot jo je poiemnoval mladi fizik Elliot McGucken

Izhaja pa iz izraza za interval ali kvadrat razdalje v 4-
dimenzionalnem kontinuumu Minkovskega, ki je sicer osnova relativnosti
in je izra¾en s formulo:

x2 + y2 + z2 - (ct)2

Priznati moram, da je tudi mene ¾e od nekdaj motil pogled na "grdo
nesimetrijo" zgornjega izraza.
Iz izraza tudi ne sledi, da je èas èetrta dimenzija, kot se popularno
konstatira, paè pa, da je èetrta dimenzija enaka izrazu ict

Elliot McGucken je iz tega potegnil preprost sklep, da je
dx4/dt = ic
torej, da se èetrta dimenzija giblje relativno na ostale tri dimenzije
s hitrostjo svetlobe in da èas ni èetrta dimenzija, paè pa, da je èas
le emergentni fizikalni fenomen (s èemer bi se strinjal)

Kaj vse iz MDT sledi, si je mogoèe prebrati na nekaj spodnjih linkih.

o nelokalnosti in drugih problemih

iz nekega matematièno fizikalnega foruma

intervju z Rogerjem Penrosem


What is Ultimately Possible in Physics? Physics! A Hero's Journey with
Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Schrodinger,
Bohr, and the Greats towards Moving Dimensions Theory. E pur si muove!
by Dr. Elliot McGucken

Essay Abstract

Over the past few decades prominent physicists have noted that physics
has diverged away from its heroic journey defined by boldly
describing, fathoming, and characterizing foundational truths of
physical reality via simple, elegant, logically-consistent postulates
and equations humbling themselves before empirical reality. Herein the
spirit of physics is again exalted by the heroic words of the Greats-
by Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and
Schrodinger-the Founding Fathers upon whose shoulders physics stands.
And from that pinnacle, a novel physical theory is proposed, complete
with a novel physical model celebrating a hitherto unsung universal
invariant and an equation reflecting the foundational physical reality
of a fourth dimension expanding relative to the three spatial
dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic, providing both the
"elementary foundations" for relativity and QM's "characteristic
trait"-entanglement, and its nonlocal, probabilistic nature. From
MDT's experimentally-verified equation relativity is derived while
time is unfrozen and free will exalted, while a physical model
accounting for quantum nonlocality is presented. Entropy, Huygens'
Principle; the wave/particle, energy/mass, space/time, and E/B
dualities; and time and all its arrows and asymmetries emerge from a
common, foundational physical model. MDT exalts Einstein's "empirical
facts," "naturalness," and "logical simplicity." For the first time in
the history of relativity, change is woven into the fabric of space-
time, and the timeless, ageless, nonlocal photon of Galileo's/
Einstein's "empirical world" is explained via a foundational physical
model, alongside the fact that c is both constant and the maximum
velocity in the universe. The empirical GPS clocks' time dilation/
twins paradox is resolved by proposing a frame of absolute rest-the
three spatial dimensions, and a frame of absolute motion-the fourth
expanding dimension upon which ageless photons of zero rest mass surf;
which underlie and give rise to Einstein's Principle of Relativity.

Author Bio

"Dr. E" received a B.A. in physics from Princeton University and a
Ph.D. in physics from UNC Chapel Hill, where his research on an
artificial retina, which is now helping the blind see, appeared in
NSF's Frontiers and Popular Science and was awarded a Merrill Lynch
Innovations Grant. While at Princeton, McGucken worked on projects
concerning quantum mechanics and general relativity with the late John
A. Wheeler, and the projects combined to form an appendix treating
time as an emergent phenomenon in his dissertation. McGucken is
writing a book curriculum he created: The
Gold 45 Revolver: The Hero's Journey.

pictures of MDT with help of grad students: