From: malibucanyonphotography on

What language is this? They're talking about Moving Dimensions


Za globje razumevanje fizikalne realnosti, bo verjetno treba
spremeniti konceptualni pogled na nekatere temeljne pojme, s katerimi
se v fiziki operira.

En tak zanimiv in precej radikalen pogled je naprimer MDT (Moving
Dimensions Theory) kot jo je poiemnoval mladi fizik Elliot McGucken

Izhaja pa iz izraza za interval ali kvadrat razdalje v 4-
dimenzionalnem kontinuumu Minkovskega, ki je sicer osnova relativnosti
in je izra¾en s formulo:

x2 + y2 + z2 - (ct)2

Priznati moram, da je tudi mene ¾e od nekdaj motil pogled na "grdo
nesimetrijo" zgornjega izraza.
Iz izraza tudi ne sledi, da je èas èetrta dimenzija, kot se popularno
konstatira, paè pa, da je èetrta dimenzija enaka izrazu ict

Elliot McGucken je iz tega potegnil preprost sklep, da je
dx4/dt = ic
torej, da se èetrta dimenzija giblje relativno na ostale tri dimenzije
s hitrostjo svetlobe in da èas ni èetrta dimenzija, paè pa, da je èas
le emergentni fizikalni fenomen (s èemer bi se strinjal)

Kaj vse iz MDT sledi, si je mogoèe prebrati na nekaj spodnjih linkih.

o nelokalnosti in drugih problemih

iz nekega matematièno fizikalnega foruma

intervju z Rogerjem Penrosem

From: dre on
pictures of mdt grad students:

On Jan 1, 6:19 pm, malibucanyonphotogra...(a) wrote:
> What language is this?  They're talking about Moving Dimensions
> Theory.
> from:
> Za globje razumevanje fizikalne realnosti, bo verjetno treba
> spremeniti konceptualni pogled na nekatere temeljne pojme, s katerimi
> se v fiziki operira.
> En tak zanimiv in precej radikalen pogled je naprimer MDT (Moving
> Dimensions Theory) kot jo je poiemnoval mladi fizik Elliot McGucken
> Izhaja pa iz izraza za interval ali kvadrat razdalje v 4-
> dimenzionalnem kontinuumu Minkovskega, ki je sicer osnova relativnosti
> in je izra¾en s formulo:
> x2 + y2 + z2 - (ct)2
> Priznati moram, da je tudi mene ¾e od nekdaj motil pogled na "grdo
> nesimetrijo" zgornjega izraza.
> Iz izraza tudi ne sledi, da je èas èetrta dimenzija, kot se popularno
> konstatira, paè pa, da je èetrta dimenzija enaka izrazu ict
> Elliot McGucken je iz tega potegnil preprost sklep, da je
> dx4/dt = ic
> torej, da se èetrta dimenzija giblje relativno na ostale tri dimenzije
> s hitrostjo svetlobe in da èas ni èetrta dimenzija, paè pa, da je èas
> le emergentni fizikalni fenomen (s èemer bi se strinjal)
> Kaj vse iz MDT sledi, si je mogoèe prebrati na nekaj spodnjih linkih.
> o nelokalnosti in drugih problemih
> iz nekega matematièno fizikalnega foruma
> intervju z Rogerjem Penrosem
> from:

On page 87 Professor Sean Carroll writes, "The saying goes that every
equation cuts your book sales in half." Had only Newton and Einstein
known this! Think of how many more copies of Principia Newton would
have sold! Think of how many more copies of The Meaning of Relativity
would have sold! Without so many equations, Einstein and Newton could
have popularized science, instead of just creating it.

The funny, ironic thing about this philosophy "The saying goes that
every equation cuts your book sales in half" is that it is the central
tenet of String Theory and LQG. Without any testable equations, the
theories can stay forever in their infancy (without time machines and
wormholes even), feeding thousands with tenure and book deals, and
fosteirng the growth of snarky psudoscience cabals, complete with
armies of pre-reviewers living in parallel universes, equipped with
time machines that allow them to get advanced copies of the book for
five-star reviews. I have heard that they are now offering classes in
certain grad schools which teach the art and science of the anonymous
ad hominem attack, and the back-handed snark, to be used in the
defense of postulateless, equationless, handwaving pseudosicence. Tens
of millions of dollars are at stake, and if we all add one-other to
our blog rolls and post anonymous comments on others', we can win big
and profit in this new era of scienceless, equationless science, which
hath also exiled the founding fathers of physics upon whose shoulders
science stands! It as if once they ascended in the academy, they had
to kick the ladders of logic, turth, beauty, and reason on down; and
the casualties include the heroic spirits of Einstein, Galileo, and

Dr. Carroll's book is quite remarkable in all that it leaves out in
its massive length. Dr. Carroll provides plenty of pop-culture quotes
but when it comes to defining science, Dr. Carroll forgets to quote
the Greats, as he and his colleagues attempt to redefine science in
tehir own image--as that which serves not the higher ideals, but the
bottom line and book sales. Moving Dimensions Theory--which regards
time as an emergent phenomena--was inspired in part by Einstein's
words pertaining to the higher purpose of physical theories: "Before I
enter upon a critique of mechanics as a foundation of physics,
something of a broadly general nature will first have to be said
concerning the points of view according to which it is possible to
criticize physical theories at all. The first point of view is
obvious: The theory must not contradict empirical facts. . . The
second point of view is not concerned with the relation to the
material of observation but with the premises of the theory itself,
with what may briefly but vaguely be characterized as the
"naturalness" or "logical simplicity" of the premises (of the basic
concepts and of the relations between these which are taken as a
basis). This point of view, an exact formulation of which meets with
great difficulties, has played an important role in the selection and
evaluation of theories since time immemorial."

Einstein writes, "The theory must not contradict empirical facts," and
right away we can rid ourselves of the ridiculous notion of time
travel into the past and multiverses, instead of ridding ourselves of
Einstein, as Dr. Carroll does.

"In questions of science, the authority of thousands is not worth the
humble reasoning of one individual," but in the era of the
blogosphere, humble reasoning is not worth the authority of the snarky
pseudosicence cartel which drives book sales.

Galileo goes on to characterize the entire lost generation of
handwaving "physicists" who have dominated and debauched the field
over the past several decades; replacing exalted, simple postulates,
equations, and experiments with snark, blogrolls, ad hominemn attacks,
and crackpot indexes so as to again tenure and dollars. Galileo
describes the science-free multiverse Inquisition with, "
observations have convinced me that some men, reasoning
preposterously, first establish some conclusion in their minds which,
either because of its being their own or because of their having
received it from some person who has their entire confidence,
impresses them so deeply that one finds it impossible ever to get it
out of their heads. Such arguments in support of their fixed idea ...
gain their instant acceptance ... whatever is brought forward against
it, however ingenious and conclusive, they receive with disdain or
with hot rage ... Beside themselves with passion, some of them would
not be backward even about scheming to suppress and silence their
adversaries.... No good can come of dealing with such people . . .
their company may be not only unpleasant but dangerous. -Galileo"

Bruno was burned at the stake by the Inquisition which placed Galileo
under house arrest, who was saved from Bruno's fate only after he
stated that he believed the earth was indeed stationary. Heroic men
battled on the front lines of truth and even gave that last full
measure of devotion so that scientific truth might be free from
religious corruption, and today Dr. Carroll et al. are thanking them
by making sure that science is free from science--free from simple,
exalted equations, postulates, logic, reason, and empirical tests and

One of the funnier phenomena that has emerged over the past decade is
the Ph.D.-less physics fanboy, employed and encouraged by the "Big
Physics" bloggers to tear down and attack those who question the
equationless, postulateless non-theories and anti-theories set forth
by the physics-free "Big Physics" bloggers. The sycophantic fanboys
see this as their best chance to eventually gain tenure in the new
system that has exiled empirical reality and replaced it handwaving,
snark, and intimidation. The Nobel Laureate F.A. Hayek wrote, "When
truth ends, the worst rise to the top," and as a social experiment,
science-free String Theory has exalted books such as From Eterinity to

One of the sadder aspects of this decades-old regime of failure and
untestable pseudosicence is that is has bred a snarky, self-satisfied,
unheroic type and given him the office once held by men of great honor
and integrity. This decline and debauchery has been witnessed all
across our society and civilization, and physics has been no
exception. One thing missing from Carroll's book is the joy of science
and truth one sees in all of Feynman's, Einstein's, Bohr's, and
Wheeler's sentences--in every one of their words. For Twain reminds
us, "one cannot pray a lie," and it's just no fun replacing exalted
science with mere speculation for pure profit, and encouraging all of
one's friends and sycophantic fanboys/fangirls to pre-review the book
and post here to drive sales.

On page 3 Carroll writes, "The arrow of time connects the early
universe to something we experience literally every moment of our
lives. It's not just breaking eggs, or other irreversible processes
like mixing milk into coffee or how an untended room tends to get
messier over time. The arrow of time is the reason why time seems to
flow around us, or why,m if you prefer, we seem to move through time.
It's why we remember teh past, but not the future. It's why we evolve
and metabolize and eventually die. It's why we believe in cause and
effect, and it's crucial to our notions of free will."

And then, Carroll adds, "And it's all because of the big bang."

The next 400 pages repeat over and over, "Because I said so."

But as both Peter Woit and Lubos Motl point out, in the following 400+
pages of his mammoth book, nowhere does he scientifically prove nor
support his contention. While Carroll fails in unifying time and all
its arrows and asymmetries with the big bang, he does succeed at a far
more difficult unification of hitherto disparate forces of nture, as
he unifies Peter Woit and Lubos Motl! Perhaps he should recieve the
Nobel for this!

The *physical* reality underlying time and all its arrows and
asymmetries, as well as the big bang, is Moving Dimensions Theory's
central postualte that the fourth dimension is expanding relative to
the three spatial dimensions at c, or dx4/dt=ic. Because MDT comes
with a postualte and equation from which all of Einstein's relativity
naturally emerges, as well as quantum entanglement & nonlocality, and
entropy, the phd-less physics fanboys are commanded to rail against it
and snark it from behind anonymous masks, as they have been educated
as to the new Carrollian reality wherein physics must remain free of
postualtes, equations, and science. I am not kididng you. If you do
not believe me, post a comment, and I will share a link or two with

You can see how Sean ignores all the Nobel Laureates' opinions
regarding String Theory in the comments here:
topic/318 , and in his book, Sean still refuses to acknowledge the
exalted spirit of Feyman, Einstein, Laughlin, and Glashow; instead
siding with Michio Kaku. For what does it profit a multiverser to
listen to Nobel Laureates and loseth his book deals and speaking

Long ago, Einstein laid the multiverse to rest with, "But before
mankind could be ripe for a science which takes in the whole of
reality, a second fundamental truth was needed, which only became
common property among philosophers with the advent of Kepler and
Galileo. Pure logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the
empirical world; all knowledge of reality starts form experience and
ends in it. Propositions arrived at by purely logical means are
completely empty as regards reality. Because Galileo saw this, and
particularly because he drummed it into the scientific world, he is
the father of modern physics -- indeed, of modern science altogether."
--Albert Einstein, Ideas and Opinions

Why sean exiles Galileo and Einstein is a mystery, until one considers
the fact that it has been the only way to advance in theoretical
physics ove the past thirty years.

Math can be very pretty, but Einstein reminds us that physicists ought
pursue *physics,* founded in a physical reality--"Mathematics are well
and good but nature keeps dragging us around by the nose."

And because the multiverse/sci-fi-pseudo-science kept popping up,
Einstein laid it all to rest with, "It is anomalous to replace the
four-dimensional continuum by a five-dimensional one and then
subsequently to tie up artificially one of those five dimensions in
order to account for the fact that it does not manifest itself." -
Einstein to Paul Ehrenfest. Just think what Einstein would have said
about entire parallel universes/muliverses/landscapes we cannot see!

No wonder Carroll et al. hath exiled Einstein! For his simple majesty
gets in teh way of their hundreds, upon hunders of pages of snarky
insider handwaving, bolstered by pseudoscience blogrolls and twitter

With an heroic spirit, MDT takes us back to origin of modern physics--
to the original papers on relativity and QM, and it humbles itself
upon that mountaintop. And when it comes on down, off the shoulders of
relativity and QM's giants, MDT presents us with a fundamental view of
reality that conforms to all experimental evidence, while not only
resolving the paradoxes of the non-locality of the EPR effect and
seemingly frozen time in Godel's block universe, but also unifying the
resolution of both physical curiosities within a simple physical
postulate--the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three
spatial dimensions, or dx4/dt = ic. In a sense, this is the first
theory to predict QM's nonlocality and entanglement, by postulating
that the fourth dimension is inherently nonlocal via its expansion--an
empirical fact that the timeless, ageless, nonlocal photon agrees
with, as the photon surfs the fourth expanding dimension. And not only
does MDT predict this, but it also provides a *physical* model for
entropy and time and all its arrows and assymetries throughout all
realms. And finally, all of relativity may be derived from MDT's
simple postulate, as it is in my paper--the fourth dimension is
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions--dx4/dt = ic. A
postulate and an equation representing a novel *physical* feature of
our universe--a fourth expanding dimension--and the natural,
subsequent prediction of all of relativity, qm's nonlocality, entropy,
time's arrows and assymetries in all realms, and quantum entanglement.

"I don't believe in mathematics." Quoted in Carl Seelig. Albert

"Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you
that mine are greater." --Einstein

"Geometry is not true, it is advantageous." --Jules H. Poincare

MDT provides both the "elementary foundations" of relativity that
Einstein yet sought, and the foundational physical reality underlying
and causing quantum nonlocality and entanglement, which Schrodinger
labeled the "characteristic trait" of QM. Einstein's Principle of
Relativity, as well as his two postulates, derive from MDT's simple
physical model and single postulate and equation which is more concise
and has the added benefits of providing for free will, liberating us
from the block universe, weaving change into the fundamental fabric of
space-time for the first time in the history of relativity, and
providing an elementary, foundational physical model for time and all
its arrows and asymmetries, entropy, and QM's nonlocality and
entanglement, as well as reality's probabilistic nature. The fourth
dimension is inherently nonlocal via its invariant expansion, which is
the source of nonlocality as well as relativity. All of this is more
fully developed in Dr. E's 2008 paper on MDT which examines Einstein's
1912 Manuscript on Relativity and derives the Einsteinian/Minkowskian
formulation of relativity from MDT's dx4/dt=ic: Time as an Emergent
Phenomenon: Traveling Back to the Heroic Age of Physics:
community/forum/topic/238 &
Simple, logical proofs of MDT:

MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon
remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells
us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding
wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c,
in a spherically-symmetric manner. The expansion of the fourth
dimension is the source of nonlocality, entanglement, time and all its
arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all
motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made
without change. For the first time in the history of relativity,
change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT.
MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict.
Ergo dx4/dt=ic.
MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial
dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way
to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through the
three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c
relative to the three spatial dimensions.
MDT twitter proof (limited to 140 characters): SR: photon is
stationary in 4th dimension. QM: photon is probability wave expanding
@ c. Ergo: 4th dimension expands @ c & MDT: dx4/dt=ic -from

When history is written, Carroll et al. will have done very little to
"popularize" physics, which has ever been best popularized by those
heroic souls who brought forth simple, brilliant equations and
concepts that are far easier to understand than Carroll's handwaving,
oft inscrutable neither-here-nor-there text, which will further serve
to exile true physicists from the academy, while attracting and
exalting legions of sycophantic fanboys, ready to rage for Sean et al.
throughout the blogosphere, so as to keep science free from physical
postulates, logic, reason, equations, and empirical reality from here
to eternity, so as to further the mere profiteer's regime.

Thank goodness their era of physicsnark is coming to an end, replaced
by epic, exalted simplicity and beauty represented in simple, timeless
postulates and equations underlying time and all its arrows and
asymmetries, while also providing a common, deeper, hitherto
unheralded *physical* foundation underlying all of relativity, quantum
mechanics, and entropy: dx4/dt=ic

So let's bring it on back. Let's enjoy the "Fom Eternity to Here"
pseudoscience, but let's also bring on back that heroic, exalted
spirit which has ever advanced all epic science, art, and philosophy!
MDT delivers an ultimate theory underlying Huygens' Principle which
Feynman's many-paths formulation of QM also exalts, whereas Loop
Quantum Gravity and String Theory only sustain a myth of an ultimate
theory and thus perpetual funding. Nobel Laureates have referred to
this present era as the dark ages of physics, where progress in
physics is frozen in a block universe tied together with tiny,
vibrating strings and little loops which nobody has ever physically
seen, violating the fundamental maxim of science put forth by Galileo,
Einstein, et. al. Feynman echoes the words of the heroic Achilles
(whom Socrates referenced while defending philosophy as a virtuous
pursuit in the Apology ) in defining science as an honest, honorable
pursuit: "As I detest the doorways of death, so too do I detest that
man who speaks forth one thing while hiding in his heart
another." (Achilles in Homer's Iliad )

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself--and you are
the easiest person to fool. ... You just have to be honest in a
conventional way after that. . . I would like to add something that's
not essential to the science, but something I kind of believe, which
is that you should not fool the layman when you're talking as a
scientist. . . I'm talking about a specific, extra type of integrity
that is not lying, but bending over backwards to show how you are
maybe wrong, that you ought to have when acting as a scientist. And
this is our responsibility as scientists, certainly to other
scientists, and I think to laymen. . . If you're representing yourself
as a scientist, then you should explain to the layman what you're
doing--and if they don't want to support you under those
circumstances, then that's their decision. -Feynman, Cargo Cult

To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or
distinction than that connected with advances in science. -Newton

Errors are not in the art but in the artificers. -Newton

Yes! Physics is yet quite intact!

All the best in 2010--from here to eternity!

Dr. E :)

pictures of mdt grad students:
From: Mike Jr on
On Jan 20, 6:39 am, dre <drell...(a)> wrote:
> pictures of mdt grad students:
> On Jan 1, 6:19 pm, malibucanyonphotogra...(a) wrote:

A post about a book shouldn't be longer than the book itself.

My advice? Keep it short next time.

--Mike Jr.