From: Arne Vagren on

Inspired by the submission
I started to experiment a little with multithreaded mex functions. So far I have been doing only "embarrasingly parallel" stuff, on a dual core CPU, but I would be interested in doing something like FEM matrix assembly, e.g., in pseudocode,

Ke = sparse(n,n);
for e=1:nElements
dofs = getElementDOFs(e);
ke = elementStiffness;
Ke(dofs,dofs) = Ke(dofs,dofs) + ke

(I am aware that there are fairly efficient ways to do something like the above in matlab,, but that's not my interest here.)

However, it looks like I might run into trouble if two threads try to write (and read?) to the same "dofs" in the last step of the loop. Is there a good, in the sense of reasonably simple code and noticeable speedup on a dual core, way to do this?

Best regards