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From: Naeem on 31 May 2010 11:57 Hi, i have used the code below to add gaussian noise to the yuv sequences. load C:\video_sim\test_seq\football\football frames=org_football;clear org_football dim_f=size(frames(:,:,1)); len=length(frames(1,1,:)); strt=1;stp=len; var_n=(10)^2; randn('state',0); for j = strt:stp v1=randn(dim_f); v2=v1-mean(v1(:)); noise(:,:,j)=sqrt(var_n)*v2/cov(v2(:)); end nsy_frames=frames+noise; clear noise frames now i would like to add impulse noise along with the gaussian noise could u please tell me how to do it.
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