From: John Navas on
The JavaScript engine in Google's Android 2.2 running on a Nexus One
phone soundly spanks Apple's iOS 4 incarnation running on an iPhone 4.


The Ars testing discovered that in pure JavaScript performance, there's
really no contest between Android 2.2 and iOS 4. When running the
industry-standard SunSpider benchmark, Android 2.2 was nearly twice as
fast as Apple's offering.

iOS 4's comparative performance was even worse on Google's own V8
benchmark. Ars found Android 2.2 was well over four times as fast. Of
course, V8 is a Googly benchmark, but 4X is 4X.


COMMENT: Let the iExcuses begin!
From: alexd on
Meanwhile, at the alt.internet.wireless Job Justification Hearings, nospam
chose the tried and tested strategy of:

> (*) javascript is just one test. now try it again with flash installed.
> pocketnow showed that the nexus one browser went from fastest to
> slowest when flash was installed.

Bet it still renders Flash faster than the iPhone's browser, though.

<> (AIM:troffasky) (UnSoEsNpEaTm(a)
21:56:45 up 12 days, 9:25, 6 users, load average: 2.46, 1.21, 0.68
Qua illic est accuso, illic est a vindicatum

From: Aaron Leonard on
>> The JavaScript engine in Google's Android 2.2 running on a Nexus
>> phone soundly spanks Apple's iOS 4 incarnation running on an iPhone

>(*) javascript is just one test. now try it again with flash
>pocketnow showed that the nexus one browser went from fastest to
>slowest when flash was installed.

while iOS Safari does awesome when flash is installed, eh?