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From: John Navas on 2 Aug 2010 21:39 Sales of Android-based smartphones are surging, tearing chunks of market share out of Apple, RIM, and Windows Mobile's hides. According to a report released Monday by the analysts at The Nielsen Company, although RIM and Apple still hold their number one and two positions as the top two suppliers of smartphones in the US, Android phones are catching up � fast. According to Nielsen's figures, among new subscribers in the past six months, those picking up Android phones inched past iPhone buyers in the second quarter of this year, garnering a 27 per cent market share to the iPhone's 23 per cent. In addition, a separate report by the market watchers at Canalys pegs Android-phone growth at a whopping 886 per cent from the second quarter of 2009 to the same quarter this year. Both info-nuggets, however, carry hefty caveats. The iPhone 4 shipped on June 24, right before the quarter ended. Its 1.7 million first-weekend sales are presumably included among the Nielsen numbers, but sales of the Jobsian handheld � antennagate or no antennagate � have been strong during the ensuing weeks. A true iPhone v. Android analysis must wait until the iPhone 4 has a full quarter in the sun. MORE: <> |