From: secretary on
Hackathon NYC will start 6:00 pm Friday 2 April 2010 in

Room 109
Courant Institute of Mathematics,
251 Mercer St
Island of the Manahattoes

Already over 150 students and 18 startup companies have signed up
to take part.

This Hackathon will run for a full 26 hours.

Food will be provided to keep up the strength of the hackers.

Note that only officially registered students may take part as
officially registered hackers of Hackathon NYC.

The main Web page for this gathering is

Below is the Official FAQ for Hackathon NYC.

Jay Sulzberger <secretary(a)>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.

what="official Hackathon NYC FAQ"
diction="Note answer to last question."
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Hackathon FAQ
Published: March 17, 2010

We've had several questions about the hackathon, here are our
best answers. Let us know at springhack(a) if you have
any questions we've missed!

What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is an event where people get together and develop
awesome projects in a short timespan.

I cannot stay the whole 24 hours, can I still participate?

Of course! We realize that 24 hours is a long time, and that some
people might have other commitments or even want to shower or
sleep. We do strongly encourage you to be present for the initial
few hours during the startup demos, and for the final few hours
for the presentations and judging.

Will there be prizes?


Who are the judges?

We'll be asking the startup representatives to judge the
projects, but don't worry - there will be at least one "people's
choice" award.

Will there be free food?


Can grad students participate?

Yes! Any NYC-area student is welcome.

What if I don't know how to program?

If you come willing to learn and full of ideas there will be
people eager to teach you what you need to know and put you to

Do I have to bring my own laptop?

Yes; unfortunately, we cannot provide computers. Please bring
anything you'll need to code (though it's fine if you share equipment
with a teammate).

I'm not a student anymore, can I still participate?

Sorry, this hackathon is limited to currently enrolled
students. Why don't you check out BarCamp NYC 5 instead?

OMG hacking?!

Please note that all hackNY hacking will be of the awesome
[page was last modified on 1 April 2010 at 00:03]

variety, not the evil
[page was last modified on 31 March 2010 at 22:04]

variety. Students interested in learning how to create and
develop with code are welcome! Parents interested in learning how
to log into their kids' Facebook account need not apply.
