From: Ed on
Peter Seiler wrote:
> Ed - 16.09.2005 09:11 :

>>My quoting was not "unnecessary" I included the entire text for a reason.
> I mentioned not your quoting in this case but other top posters. I agree
> with your argumentation and can not understand any reasons of the top
> posters. Within long threads with top postings, reading more than often
> is a pain.

Ah yes, my bad...

>>>Another worse thing are the many misconfigured OEs which produces
>>>terrible linefeeds...
>>That certainly is a bad thing. That's why I never use OE for news
>>groups. Besides, I don't think I could get OE to work too well with Linux.
>>If you must know, since you appear not to be able to read the headers, I
>>am using _Debian_ Thunderbird with Xandros Linux Standard.
> oh, I see/saw your headers and know what newsclient you are using.

Ok... many people don't even pay attention to headers... again... my bad.

>>But... if you wish, I could reboot into XP and set up OE for uselessnet.
> I have no wish to you. It's totally up to you. Your Debian posting style
> is (contrarely to many OE (re)postings) absolutely ok, IMHO.

That's good to know... if it wasn't, I'd switch clients in a flash. I
can't stand non-complient newsclients.

> Have a nice weekend.

Thanks, you have a good one too.
From: Habidasher on
Ed wrote:
> Habidasher wrote:
>> Ed wrote:
>>> Habidasher wrote:
>>>> DelawareDave wrote:
>>>>> Do any of these recommended readers have the following features:
>>>>> 1. Ability to put latest comments on top of posting. I don't want
>>>>> to trigger endless debate, I just want to look at the latest comments
>>>>> at the top.
>>>> Thunderbird does this.
>>>>> 2. Have the "post pane" as a deep VERTICAL pane - as opposed to most
>>>>> which have post as a Horizontal pane at bottom.
>>>> The Stacked View Extension should be acceptable
>>> It is best to bottom post to keep continutity in the thread. I hate
>>> it when I have to scroll up and down to read what the top-poster is
>>> replying to. The only thing worse is failing to quote at all.
>>> Ed
>> Hello Ed
>> I just reviewed the entire thread. I couldn't help but notice that
>> your entire contribution to this discussion was to criticize the style
>> of my helpful reply.
> That's interesting since _you_ didn't top-post. You quoted only the
> parts of the original to which you had replies for and put your reply
> below each part.
> Do you have a guilty conscience or something?

Check the quoting above. Also check the threading of this conversation.
You will see that your comment about top-posting was made in direct
reply to my message.

Insert witty comment here.
From: John Fitzsimons on
On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 22:27:21 +0200, "Alain Beguin"
<private(a)> wrote:

>yar wrote in <bj1hi1hi7d46sb49ortpp319omm8rst10v(a)>, on
>14/09/2005, H. Notburga

>> Does anyone have a good for windows xp newsreader recomendation?
>> Thanks!

>Of course! :-)


Version is

It would be nice if there was a "release date" and/or "history" info
on that page.

I hope something has been done about the horrible writing in the left
pane. "Mes News" in looked like it had been written by a seven
year old child. Correction, a drunk seven year old child.

I hope the English translation is better too. Words such as
"Souvegarde" don't mean a lot to many of us.

Regards, John.
From: Alain Beguin on
John Fitzsimons wrote in <eklmi15l3fqhcrnq663drd3ld92a3jj18i(a)>,
on 17/09/2005, H. Lambert

> Version is
> It would be nice if there was a "release date" and/or "history" info
> on that page.

Hello John,

Thanks for your comments. I will forward them to the maker of MesNews
with the request to include the *history* on that page.

> I hope something has been done about the horrible writing in the left
> pane. "Mes News" in looked like it had been written by a seven
> year old child. Correction, a drunk seven year old child. ...that is, for us, a long time ago and MesNews is getting
better every year :-)
> I hope the English translation is better too. Words such as
> "Souvegarde" don't mean a lot to many of us.

That was, again..., a long time ago :-)
"Sauvegarde" was probably not translated and it meant "save" or

If you have critics, I mean constructive ones, please tell us and we
will try to correct or implement what you ask.

Best regards,

Alain ( A l b ý ) Reply-to is valid (only 4 days !)

From: Alain Beguin on
John Fitzsimons wrote in <eklmi15l3fqhcrnq663drd3ld92a3jj18i(a)>,
on 17/09/2005, H. Lambert

> It would be nice if there was a "release date" and/or "history" info
> on that page.

If you had a look at the page "download" you would have found a "what's
new" ...

The version that you mention was one of december 2003.

Alain ( A l b ý ) Reply-to is valid (only 4 days !)

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