Prev: 9-11 was, of course, not an inside job since that has been proven to be physically impossible; Come see * Hates US * tap dance away from explaining his insane claims
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From: Y.Porat on 1 Jul 2010 00:51 The analysis of the Photon Momentum shows us clearly that No mass (the only one) - no real physics !! ie the mass of the photon (in Kilograms !) is neither zero -- nor relativistic !! the dimension less figures associated there to the M K S dimensions -- show it clearly and unequivocally (if you donr mind the KILOGRAM dimension is just one basic dimension there is no Kg 1 Kg 2 etc -just one kilogram !! (with just one meaning and interpretation of it- no many interpretations for it !!) that should be a beginning of some revolution in modern physics for instance no more 'massless particles evennot for a fraction of a second !! IOW that one mass is conserved1 exsctly as in marcocosm and as Energy is conserved E=m c^2 and Momentum of Photon is hf/c etc etc as i analyzed it in a previous thread ps not for parrots (that will come right on (:-) copyright Yehiel Porat June 2010 ( just now - the main point for me is that it will be formally recorded ... No thefts later (:-).) ATB Y.Porat ---------------------- |