���� ����� "dama1" <dama1(a)> �� �����
>I should have thought of this beforehand! I just bought a new PC with
> 7, that uses Windows Live. I want to transfer e-mail folders with saved
> messages from Outlook Express on a PC running XP. I don't know where to
> start
> looking for a resolution, or how to accomplish this. Any input would be
> appreciated.
> Dave G.

From: N. Miller on
On Tue, 29 Dec 2009 04:56:03 -0800, Lostin7 wrote:

> Thanks so much. Very clear and helpful. I'll give it a try. I'm amazed
> that this whole topic is not explained somewhere. I even went to a bookstore
> and flipped through several WIN7 "how to" books and found only passing
> references and no step by step instructions like you have laid out. I
> really appreciate your time.

One thing I failed to mention; but shouldn't be a problem if you just copy
the entire store folder: For import to work properly, you need the
'folders.dbx' file included in the Store folder. If you copy the entire
Store folder, that should include the 'folders.dbx' file.

~Oh Lord, why have you come
~To Konnyu, with the Lion and the Drum