From: Petert on
On Sat, 22 May 2010 14:15:11 +0100, "Paulg0"
<zdg18(a)> wrote:

>"Petert" <peter.thomas(a)> wrote in message
>> Can't you get little wind-up chargers for mobiles - similar to the
>> clockwork radios now on the market?

I was right! That's unusual


(Reply to address is a spam trap - pse reply to the group)
From: tony sayer on
In article <cr4fv516tqs08r0ep9nl4oedgv98t36nk0(a)>, Petert <peter.thomas(a)brigh> scribeth thus
>On Fri, 21 May 2010 20:13:45 +0100, "tim...."
><tims_new_home(a)> wrote:
>>"Fred" <fred(a)> wrote in message
>>> Hi,
>>> I broke down today and had forgotten to take my phone with me ;(
>>> I have wondered about getting one of those �12 PAYG phones to keep in
>>> the car for emergencies but:
>>> If I left the phone switched off for months (I hope I don't break down
>>> too often) is there a possibility that when I need it:
>>> 1. the battery will have discharged? How long do they hold their
>>> charge for when unused?
>>When I went into hospital for a few days, I turned my phone off because you
>>can't use them inside.
>I think you'll find that this is no longer the case. The last time I
>was in hospital my consultant didn't feel the need to turn his mobile
>off or to not make or recieve calls.

You'll have to realise that "hospital consultant" is another word for Deity;!...

>I don't think it's ever been an issue in those hospitals that didn't
>take the telephone/TV servise form some scabby rip-off company

Tony Sayer

From: tony sayer on
In article <qqbgv5lq34kh5haevsojiq1nmprtefftu3(a)>, Peter
<occassionally-confused(a)> scribeth thus
>"Andy Pandy" <spam8times(a)wonderful.spam.invalid> wrote
>>Generally after 6 months - you'll need to remember to make a
>>chargeable call every few months to keep it alive.
>>> Do all operators expire credit after 6 months inactivity? Do they
>>> cancel apparently unused numbers?
>>Yes, though the time period varies. It's usually 6 months.
>Vodafone told me (a few months ago) it is 3 months. I don't actually
>believe it (their call centre script monkeys are among the worst) but
>it is possible. It may also depend on how/when the SIM was
>provisioned; I am pretty sure they don't cancel *every* SIM after 3
>months because I still have one old Voda SIM which still works and it
>certainly doesn't get exercised within 3 months.

AIUI they drop of the list after Six months of non use. Make One call
every Six months and all should be well.

I often wonder what they do with all the old numbers don't seem to re
cycle them?..
Tony Sayer

From: Andy Pandy on

"Peter" <occassionally-confused(a)> wrote in message
> "Andy Pandy" <spam8times(a)wonderful.spam.invalid> wrote
>>Generally after 6 months - you'll need to remember to make a
>>chargeable call every few months to keep it alive.
>>> Do all operators expire credit after 6 months inactivity? Do they
>>> cancel apparently unused numbers?
>>Yes, though the time period varies. It's usually 6 months.
> Vodafone told me (a few months ago) it is 3 months.

They've told me that too, twice, as have people on usenet. But they
are wrong - their published T&Cs say they can suspend the service
after 6 months, and disconnect you (losing your number & credit) after
9 months.


From: R. Mark Clayton on

"Fred" <fred(a)> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I broke down today and had forgotten to take my phone with me ;(
> I have wondered about getting one of those �12 PAYG phones to keep in
> the car for emergencies but:
> If I left the phone switched off for months (I hope I don't break down
> too often) is there a possibility that when I need it:
> 1. the battery will have discharged? How long do they hold their
> charge for when unused?
> 2. the credit will have expired?
> 3. the number will have expired?
> Do all operators expire credit after 6 months inactivity? Do they
> cancel apparently unused numbers?
> If so, I guess I will have to remember to make an occasional "keep
> alive" calls.

Other responders have now answered most of the questions.

999 calls will now roam over all the networks, however for a SIM that will
roam over all UK networks then get a Channel Islands one.

If you also drive abroad, consider a Liechtenstein* one.

* last unconquered vestige of the Holy Roman Empire.