From: John Larkin on
On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 18:15:51 GMT, Jan Panteltje
<pNaonStpealmtje(a)> wrote:

>On a sunny day (Mon, 08 Feb 2010 08:59:49 -0800) it happened John Larkin
><jjlarkin(a)> wrote in
>>>Nice, anything above 1GHz or so will probably remain magick to me :-)
>>To me, too. I haven't the nonlinear device models, the EM software
>>tools, or the brute intelligence to predict how some of this stuff
>>will behave. So a mixture of instinct, experience, and experiment will
>>have to do.
>>>I simply do not have the equipment to measure that stuff.
>>I started with flea-market Tek gear, a 547 scope and a 1S2
>>TDR/sampler, about $120 total. Nowadays you can get an 11801 mainframe
>>and a 20 GHz TDR/sampling head for around $1500.
>Nice, at least they had decent knobs beack then :-)
>Knobs have evolved faster then us humans, maybe a few generations onward people
>will have little forked fingers to toggle those tiny levers :-)
>>The 11801 is a beast, but it works beautifully. This one is displaying
>>a 1 GHz square wave from the successful pin driver circuit on my
>>multiple-circuit board, under the Mantis. The sampling head is on an
>>extender cable so it can snug right up to the DUT.
>It is a nice big screen, but the edges of the waveform are rounded,
>not a real square wave.
>< 10GHz bandwidth?

The scope is 20 GHz, 17 pS spec'd risetime. It's my pin driver circuit
that's slow. Here it is as a product:

The undershoot is my bad on the pcb layout. I'll fix that some day.


From: Jan Panteltje on
On a sunny day (Mon, 08 Feb 2010 18:51:08 -0800) it happened John Larkin
<jjlarkin(a)> wrote in

>>It is a nice big screen, but the edges of the waveform are rounded,
>>not a real square wave.
>>< 10GHz bandwidth?
>The scope is 20 GHz, 17 pS spec'd risetime. It's my pin driver circuit
>that's slow. Here it is as a product:
>The undershoot is my bad on the pcb layout. I'll fix that some day.

Yes, that is what I mean, I could do a board with those speeds, but have
no way to check it.
Well I have not personally had a request for anything like that,
I will keep you in mind if it happens.
For equipment, before such a fast scope, on my wish list would be a good *cheap* spectrum analyser
Got an email from Altera today, about ASTA and their FPGAs.
If I understand it right, that could mean eliminating a PC mobo...
and then there are those 18 Gbits / second serial links sigh...

From: Spehro Pefhany on
On Sun, 14 Feb 2010 19:51:44 -0800 (PST), the renowned 1 Lucky Texan
<alckytxn(a)> wrote:

>On Feb 14, 8:36�pm, "JosephKK"<quiettechb...(a)> wrote:

>> First, remind them just what you are paying them for.
>> Then it is time to try some other vendors, just to find out.
>Yeah, a coupla good approaches with 'negotitations' like this are to
>ask them "If you were in my position, how would you feel about pricing
>like this?"
>also, "Why are you trying so hard to never do business with me again?"

The nice thing about combined designs is that you're unlikely to be in
all that much of a hurry (otherwise you'd not have bothered combining)
so there is time to shop around or ask for a quotation then not place
the order if they don't want to do business.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward"
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