From: Ray Fischer on
RichA <rander3127(a)> wrote:
>On Jul 13, 8:17�am, Bruce <docnews2...(a)> wrote:
>> On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 16:54:04 -0500, Rich <n...(a)> wrote:
>> >Panasonic, a company that has done nearly no wrong, who have basically made
>> >mirrorless cameras acceptable (thanks to the fastest contrast focus speed
>> >going) and who stuck to a decent level of construction for their cameras
>> >have dropped the ball. They shifted production of their cameras to China,
>> >cheapened the product (G2), cheapened and made WORSE the lens (14-45mm
>> >Japanese kit lens morphs into a crappy Chinese 14-42mm with worse optics
>> >and a plastic lens mount)and all they added did was add consumer-friendly
>> >video to the product. �On top of that, they made no improvements in
>> >processing or sensor in over 2 years. �
>> Shouldn't that be "raspberry"?
>> Otherwise, just the usual pointless whining rant. �What is it with you
>> Canadians that you just cannot stop whining, eh?
>What is it with Americans that they constantly demand cost-cutting and
>cheapness, even if it harms quality?

Why do YOU own cheap cameras instead of going for the highest quality?

Ray Fischer