From: super soaker on 10 Aug 2010 07:23 From what I have heard so far, Microsoft do not support spanning the system partition across multiple disks. You could try somthing like copying or moving all data off of the second partition, deleting that partition extending C into the free space, then recreating the second partition and copying the data back. Of course you may need to disable services during this move/copy but I am not sure there is any other way around it. -- super soaker ------------------------------------------------------------------------ super soaker's Profile: View this thread:
From: happyhacker on 10 Aug 2010 07:45 Not sure I understand that. I want to shrink the C to obtain two other partitions of equal size. Reading the figures above I only see about 500Gbyte available after shrinking. I am trying to do this wthout reinstalling. Is that the quickest way. PS note I said that this is a fresh install i.e. there is no data except what the install may have created. -- happyhacker ------------------------------------------------------------------------ happyhacker's Profile: View this thread:
From: einstein_007 on 11 Aug 2010 07:59 As server partition software, EASEUS Partition Master Server Edition can extend SBS 2008 Server partition safely with simple operations by its "Resize/Move" feature. Moreover, EASEUS Partition Master can extend NTFS system partition without reboot and be booted from a bootable USB drive. The following is step-by-step instructions to extend SBS 2008 Server system partition. -- einstein_007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ einstein_007's Profile: View this thread:
From: happyhacker on 11 Aug 2010 09:26 einstein_007;5030961 Wrote: > The following is step-by-step instructions to extend SBS 2008 Server > system partition. Einstein, thanks. If you could point me to those instructions? -- happyhacker ------------------------------------------------------------------------ happyhacker's Profile: View this thread:
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