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From: datel on 15 Mar 2010 12:19 We are using accounting application in terminal services. When we run the application there are created new printers on the server (these printers are connected to the stations - relation printers). After disconnection the station from the server, printers are still installed and visible on the server. When we restart Spool service printers are closed (deleted) from the server. How can I setup closing relation printers after closing terminal relation? Thank You
From: Kudrat Sapaev Kudrat on 15 Mar 2010 13:04 Hi, This problem may occur if there is some compatability problemwith TS server and the printer dirvers. You can try updating printer driver on both TS and client. If this will not help have a look at this article:
From: Kudrat Sapaev on 15 Mar 2010 13:09
Also have a look at this: |