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From: Valeria Fabbri fabbri on 11 Feb 2010 10:26 Hi, I'm an italian Matlab's user. My Matlab version is the 6.5. I have a problem with the function griddata and pcolor. Example: I have a set of 24 data of longitude, latitude and values of radioactivity. For each values of longitude and latitude I have one activity value. I want to plot x=longitude, y= latitude z=activity with pcolor. So I make a grid of 50 point: xs=linspace [x_max, x_min, 50]; ys=linspace [y_max, y_min, 50]; where x_max, x_min are the maximum and the minimu values of longitude, ad so for y=latitude. [xi,yi]=meshgrid(xs,ys); To interpolate the z data I do: zi=[x,y,z,xi,yi, 'v4']; or zi=[x,y,z,xi,yi, 'cubic']; and to display the data I do: pcolor (xi, yi, zi); colorbar; but at this point I read the coordinates in the axes (all axes x,y,z) as if they were mirror. WHY? This thing appear,also, if I make a grid of 20 point, but this doesn't appear if I make a grid of 15 point. WHY? CAN YOU HELP ME? THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Valeria
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