From: andrea on

I have an .exe file named segment. I want to run this file in MATLAB. My code is as follows:

segcmd = 'segment 0.8 100 100';
[status, result]=system([segcmd ' ' fn1 ' ' fn2]);

(fn1 and fn2 are two images).

The status variable is not 0 where is the error?
The segment.exe is in the same folder as the MATLAB function.

Thanks in advance

From: Cokelid on
On Feb 12, 8:43 am, "andrea " <nacchio1...(a)> wrote:
> [status, result]=system([segcmd ' ' fn1 ' ' fn2]);
> The status variable is not 0 where is the error?

Looking at the help:
If command fails or does not exist on your operating system, status
is a nonzero value and result contains an explanatory message.

So does result contain anything interesting?

Also when you say fn1 and fn2 are images I presume you mean file-names
of images (and not variables containing images)!?

