From: Kadaitcha the Transmogrified on
"Alan Ford", thou good-for-nothing malefactor. Thou is too mean to have
thy name repeated. Ye guffed:

> Prussian China Blue got sick and threw up all over the keyboard:
>>>> Try this definition for size:
>>>> God = Metaphysical X
>>>> Nothing more is needed to logically prove God's existence.
>>> Huh. Try this definition for size as well:
>>> Your $1 million debt to me = Metaphysical X
>>> Nothing more is needed to logically prove you owe me a million.
>> I see you're not familar with the world of low finance. All you have to
>> do to claim a debt is to claim it.
> Likewise, all you have to do to claim a supernatural<BITCHSLAP>

The word supernatural means beyond natural, being above what is natural,
unexplainable by natural means, abnormal.

Given that less than 20% of the world's population is atheist, what proof
do you have, apart from your own idiotic opinion, to show that greater
than 80% of the world's population are the lunatics running the asylum?

And when you've dealt with that seemingly simple question, please proceed
to show how the existence, supposed or otherwise, of any god is above,
beyond or unconstrained by the natural laws of gravity, thermodynamics,
relativity, nature, Amdahl's law, Avogadro's law, Faxén's law, Darcy's
Law, Charles's law, Biot–Savart law, Coulomb's law, Wien's law,
Torricelli's law, Sommerfeld–Kossel displacement law or even Archie's law
for that matter.

It must really, truly suck to be you, i.e. pig-ignorant thick.
From: Kadaitcha the Transmogrified on
"Alan Ford", thou revolting beastly feeder. I can hardly forbear hurling
things at thee. Ye ejaculated:

> Kadaitcha the Transmogrified got sick and threw up all over the
> keyboard:
>>>> Try this definition for size:
>>>> God = Metaphysical X
>>>> Nothing more is needed to logically prove God's existence.
>>> Huh. Try this definition for size as well:
>>> Your $1 million debt to me = Metaphysical X
>>> Nothing more is needed to logically prove you owe me a million.
>> Go on then. Logically prove that I owe you $1,000,000.
> I'll do it right after you logically prove your god. After all, you were
> here first.

Yes, indeed I was. However your interjection takes precedence by way of
the common courtesy being proffered to you. For had you owed me
$1,000,000 I would be less inclined to let off you so easily because I
will lose all but the skin off my back if you prove your claim, and you
will gain both riches and kudos.

You can either take the courteous grant and rise to the challenge you
made, or you can suffer under the consequences of the reasonable
assumption that you are an unthinking fuckwit who shouldn't be given even
the remotest waftings of a very sad and sorry excuse for an egg-cabbage

Which is it?

You made your bed, Aesop. Now you get to lie in it.