From: Mayeul on
Xavier Nayrac wrote:
> Uli Kunkel a �crit :
>> I need to put a password for something as an application parameter.
>> For now I'm using a properties file but the password isn't encrypted.
>> I suppose I could encrypt with something and hardcode that encryption
>> key in the application..
> Why use a key ? Why not use an hash (SHA*, md5) ?

Errrm, assuming it would be possible to do, which I doubt, you'd still
just need the hash to gain access.

Doesn't seem to change much, does it?


From: Uli Kunkel on
rossum wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 09:37:13 +0200, Uli Kunkel <genijalac(a)>
> wrote:
>> I need to put a password for something as an application parameter.
>> For now I'm using a properties file but the password isn't encrypted.
>> I suppose I could encrypt with something and hardcode that encryption
>> key in the application..
>> Are there any applications with this purpose?
>> I'd like to know what are practices of other people?
>> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> Who are you trying to protect the password from? There are many
> methods suitable for different situations.
> One possible method is to store the password as two byte arrays.
> Convert the password to an array of bytes. Then generate a second
> byte array the same length filled with random bytes using SecureRandom
> (not Random). Store the random byte array and the XOR of the two
> arrays. If you are using a text only storage medium, such as the
> properties file, then you may need to convert to Base64 text before
> storing. Consider putting one array in the properties file and the
> other array elsewhere.
> To recover the password read the two byte arrays. XOR the two
> together and convert the resulting byte array back into the origial
> text password.
> Encryption:
> cyphertext <- plaintext XOR key
> Decryption:
> plaintext <- cyphertext XOR key
> Change the second, random, byte array regularly. How regularly
> depends on how secure you want things to be. It is probably easy
> enough to change it every time the password is used which gives you a
> One Time Pad.
> Do not call the two stored byte arrays "password1" and "password2"!
> For something more secure, keep the decryption key (the random array)
> on a USB stick that is removed from the computer and stored in a
> locked safe when the password in not needed.
> rossum

The principle of what you are saying is the same as Jasypt jar...
The problem is in that second byte array because I need to hold it in
the application.
It's a server application so I cannot use a usb stick for holding it.
From: grz01 on
On Sep 25, 1:11 pm, Uli Kunkel <genija...(a)> wrote:
> rossum wrote:
> > On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 09:37:13 +0200, Uli Kunkel <genija...(a)>
> > wrote:
> >> I need to put a password for something as an application parameter.
> >> For now I'm using a properties file but the password isn't encrypted.
> >> I suppose I could encrypt with something and hardcode that encryption
> >> key in the application..
> >> Are there any applications with this purpose?
> >> I'd like to know what are practices of other people?
> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> > Who are you trying to protect the password from?  There are many
> > methods suitable for different situations.
> > One possible method is to store the password as two byte arrays.
> > Convert the password to an array of bytes.  Then generate a second
> > byte array the same length filled with random bytes using SecureRandom
> > (not Random).  Store the random byte array and the XOR of the two
> > arrays.  If you are using a text only storage medium, such as the
> > properties file, then you may need to convert to Base64 text before
> > storing.  Consider putting one array in the properties file and the
> > other array elsewhere.
> > To recover the password read the two byte arrays.  XOR the two
> > together and convert the resulting byte array back into the origial
> > text password.
> >   Encryption:
> >     cyphertext <- plaintext XOR key
> >   Decryption:
> >     plaintext <- cyphertext XOR key
> > Change the second, random, byte array regularly.  How regularly
> > depends on how secure you want things to be.  It is probably easy
> > enough to change it every time the password is used which gives you a
> > One Time Pad.
> > Do not call the two stored byte arrays "password1" and "password2"!
> > For something more secure, keep the decryption key (the random array)
> > on a USB stick that is removed from the computer and stored in a
> > locked safe when the password in not needed.
> > rossum
> The principle of what you are saying is the same as Jasypt jar...
> The problem is in that second byte array because I need to hold it in
> the application.
> It's a server application so I cannot use a usb stick for holding it.

Well, ultimately, the application needs to be able to read something
(like the decryption-key) from a storage protected from unauthorized

The simplest(?) way is to put that sensitive information in a disk-
with file-access protection that allows only the owner of the file (or
the superuser) to read it.
And the owner should be the OS-identity under which the application

In unix/linux, it's something like file-permission:

Windows, of course, has some similar (but more complex) corresponding
but I'm not too familiar with that one.
From: rossum on
On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 13:11:07 +0200, Uli Kunkel <genijalac(a)>

>rossum wrote:
>> On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 09:37:13 +0200, Uli Kunkel <genijalac(a)>
>> wrote:
>>> I need to put a password for something as an application parameter.
>>> For now I'm using a properties file but the password isn't encrypted.
>>> I suppose I could encrypt with something and hardcode that encryption
>>> key in the application..
>>> Are there any applications with this purpose?
>>> I'd like to know what are practices of other people?
>>> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
>> Who are you trying to protect the password from? There are many
>> methods suitable for different situations.
>> One possible method is to store the password as two byte arrays.
>> Convert the password to an array of bytes. Then generate a second
>> byte array the same length filled with random bytes using SecureRandom
>> (not Random). Store the random byte array and the XOR of the two
>> arrays. If you are using a text only storage medium, such as the
>> properties file, then you may need to convert to Base64 text before
>> storing. Consider putting one array in the properties file and the
>> other array elsewhere.
>> To recover the password read the two byte arrays. XOR the two
>> together and convert the resulting byte array back into the origial
>> text password.
>> Encryption:
>> cyphertext <- plaintext XOR key
>> Decryption:
>> plaintext <- cyphertext XOR key
>> Change the second, random, byte array regularly. How regularly
>> depends on how secure you want things to be. It is probably easy
>> enough to change it every time the password is used which gives you a
>> One Time Pad.
>> Do not call the two stored byte arrays "password1" and "password2"!
>> For something more secure, keep the decryption key (the random array)
>> on a USB stick that is removed from the computer and stored in a
>> locked safe when the password in not needed.
>> rossum
>The principle of what you are saying is the same as Jasypt jar...
>The problem is in that second byte array because I need to hold it in
>the application.
The second (random) byte array is the key. If you want to encrypt the
password, then you need a decryption key somewhere. Whatever
encryption method youuse then you will need a key to decrypt. Even
ROT13 has a decryption key, the number 13.

>It's a server application so I cannot use a usb stick for holding it.
Fine. Then keep it in a file separate from the properties file. The
major point is to keep the cyphertext and key in different places in
order to make it more difficult for any attacker.


From: rossum on
On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 11:43:13 +0200, Xavier Nayrac
<xavier____n_a_yrac(a)> wrote:

>Uli Kunkel a écrit :
>> I need to put a password for something as an application parameter.
>> For now I'm using a properties file but the password isn't encrypted.
>> I suppose I could encrypt with something and hardcode that encryption
>> key in the application..
>Why use a key ? Why not use an hash (SHA*, md5) ?
As I understand the question, this is not a file of user passwords
that are checked when the users log on; for that purpose using a hash
would be correct. This appears to be a password to a back end
application (?database?) that the server is logging on to, and the
server needs to pass the actual password to the application, not a
hash of the password.

For this purpose the ability to decrypt to get back the original text
of the password is essential. Hence the need for a key.
