From: Uli Kunkel on

I need to put a password for something as an application parameter.
For now I'm using a properties file but the password isn't encrypted.

I suppose I could encrypt with something and hardcode that encryption
key in the application..

Are there any applications with this purpose?
I'd like to know what are practices of other people?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
From: grz01 on
On Sep 25, 9:37 am, Uli Kunkel <genija...(a)> wrote:
> I need to put a password for something as an application parameter.
> For now I'm using a properties file but the password isn't encrypted.
> I suppose I could encrypt with something and hardcode that encryption
> key in the application..
> Are there any applications with this purpose?
> I'd like to know what are practices of other people?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I think this is what you're looking for:

Have only used it briefly (for just such purpose) but worked without

/ grz01

From: Uli Kunkel on
grz01 wrote:
> On Sep 25, 9:37 am, Uli Kunkel <genija...(a)> wrote:
>> I need to put a password for something as an application parameter.
>> For now I'm using a properties file but the password isn't encrypted.
>> I suppose I could encrypt with something and hardcode that encryption
>> key in the application..
>> Are there any applications with this purpose?
>> I'd like to know what are practices of other people?
>> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> I think this is what you're looking for:
> Have only used it briefly (for just such purpose) but worked without
> problems.
> / grz01

Yes that was exactly what I was looking for.

But I see the problem is in hard-coding the password.
Are there any tricks and suggestions for storing the encryption key?
From: rossum on
On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 09:37:13 +0200, Uli Kunkel <genijalac(a)>

>I need to put a password for something as an application parameter.
>For now I'm using a properties file but the password isn't encrypted.
>I suppose I could encrypt with something and hardcode that encryption
>key in the application..
>Are there any applications with this purpose?
>I'd like to know what are practices of other people?
>Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Who are you trying to protect the password from? There are many
methods suitable for different situations.

One possible method is to store the password as two byte arrays.
Convert the password to an array of bytes. Then generate a second
byte array the same length filled with random bytes using SecureRandom
(not Random). Store the random byte array and the XOR of the two
arrays. If you are using a text only storage medium, such as the
properties file, then you may need to convert to Base64 text before
storing. Consider putting one array in the properties file and the
other array elsewhere.

To recover the password read the two byte arrays. XOR the two
together and convert the resulting byte array back into the origial
text password.

cyphertext <- plaintext XOR key

plaintext <- cyphertext XOR key

Change the second, random, byte array regularly. How regularly
depends on how secure you want things to be. It is probably easy
enough to change it every time the password is used which gives you a
One Time Pad.

Do not call the two stored byte arrays "password1" and "password2"!

For something more secure, keep the decryption key (the random array)
on a USB stick that is removed from the computer and stored in a
locked safe when the password in not needed.


From: Xavier Nayrac on
Uli Kunkel a �crit :
> I need to put a password for something as an application parameter.
> For now I'm using a properties file but the password isn't encrypted.
> I suppose I could encrypt with something and hardcode that encryption
> key in the application..

Why use a key ? Why not use an hash (SHA*, md5) ?

Xavier Nayrac