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per-function jit compiler This post gave me an idea: What if I write a simple decorator to figure out the types of every function, and then we use it as a base for a simple method-jit compiler for python? example: def typer(f): def wrap(*args): ... 6 Apr 2010 07:28
per-method jit compiler On 4 abr, 00:09, Steven D'Aprano <st...(a)REMOVE-THIS-> wrote: On Sat, 03 Apr 2010 22:58:43 +0000, kj wrote: Suppose I have a function with the following signature: def spam(x, y, z): # etc. Is there a way to refer, within the function, to all its arguments as a s... 6 Apr 2010 02:04
string.Template question Can you use dicts with string.Template? e.g. a structure like: game = { 'home': {'team': row['home_team_full'], 'score': row['home_score'], 'record': '0-0', 'pitcher': { 'id': home_pitcher.attrib['id'], 'name': home_pitcher.attrib['last_name'], 'wins': home_pitcher.attrib['wins'], 'losses': home_pitcher... 5 Apr 2010 16:06
Tkinter inheritance mess? For a school project, I'm trying to make a minimalist web browser, and I chose to use Tk as the rendering toolkit. I made my parser classes into Tkinter canvases, so that I would only have to call pack and mainloop functions in order to display the rendering. Right now, two bugs are affecting the program : 1) When... 7 Apr 2010 23:36
Python/Django linux build consultant required Hi, we are a San Francisco based startup company and are looking for a Python/Django person to help us roll out our recently completed. We're looking for 5 years + Python experience with a knowledge of tools such as pyinstall (or other build systems). Please contact me directly interested. Rgds. ... 5 Apr 2010 02:54
unset TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY Hello- was hoping someone could give me a hand in permanently setting my TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY. I downloaded Python2.6 to a ThinkPad that came installed with Python2.2, and I can not run IDLE as something automatically sets TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY to C:\IBMTools\Python22\ each time i open a new command l... 5 Apr 2010 12:43
Irony overload [was Re: off topic but please forgive me me andanswer] On Sun, 04 Apr 2010 08:00:41 -0700, rantingrick wrote: A while back i had wondered why Guido never posts to anymore. Was it because he thinks himself better than us, no, it's because of the "low-brow-infantile-Jerry-Springer-ish-nature" that this list has imploded into. *puke* Complaining about ... 4 Apr 2010 20:23
reduce in loop Why does the following fail with the Traceback? def add(x,y): return x+y for rrr in range(1,20): reduce(add, range(1, r)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<interactive input>", line 2, in <module> TypeError: reduce() of empty sequence with no initial value ... 4 Apr 2010 20:23
def method with variable no of parameters file.writeStuff(n, a1, a2, On Apr 2, 1:25 pm, "vlad_fig" <vlad_...(a)> wrote: Hello all, I would like some help with setting up a method that would allow me to change its number of parameters. For example: #--------------------- class createfile(object): def __init__(self, modelName = None, someLines = None):... 4 Apr 2010 20:23
def method with variable no of parameters file.writeStuff(n, a1, a2, Hello all, I would like some help with setting up a method that would allow me to change its number of parameters. For example: #--------------------- class createfile(object): def __init__(self, modelName = None, someLines = None): self.modelName = modelName if someLines is None: self.someLines = [... 4 Apr 2010 19:16 |