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Updated License Term Agreement for VC Redistributable in VS 2008 SP1 I just stumbled across the following page which seems to indicate that the MS VC 2008 runtime files[1] required to distribute Python applications compiled with Py2exe and similar tools can be shipped without the license restriction many previously thought. See: Updated License Term Agreement for VC Redistributabl... 16 Apr 2010 13:57
ctypes question I'm using python 2.5.2. I have a ctypes function with argtypes like this: _create_folder.argyptes = [c_void_p, c_int] The issue I am having is that I can call it like this _create_folder(some_pointer, "asdf") and it won't raise a TypeError. Why would it accept a string for an integer argument? I didn... 15 Apr 2010 19:12
Unit testing errors (testing the platform module) On Wed, 2010-04-14 at 15:51 +0100, john maclean wrote: self.assertEqual(platform.__builtins__.__class__, dict, "platform.__class__ supposed to be dict") self.assertEqual(platform.__name__, 'platform' ) The preferred spelling for: platform.__builtins__.__class__ would be type(platform.__bu... 14 Apr 2010 13:18
missing dll follow-up Hi again, I said "msvcr90.dll", but I meant "msvcp90.dll". In either case, I cannot locate the dll to include in my project and I am not sure what else I can do. The vcredist_x86 was, I thought, supposed to give me the dll, but it does not seem to have done so. -- Have a great day, Alex (msg sent from GMail w... 15 Apr 2010 08:02
msvcr90.dll is MIA? Hi all, For testing purposes, and because I am not yet distributing my application (which, thanks to you all, is now running perfectly!), I am going to just bundle msvcr90.dll. However, I cannot find it! I ran vcredist_x86.exe (I have a 64-bit version of win7, but all I have is the x86 version of the program - is ... 15 Apr 2010 21:28
Does Abstract class , interfaces there in python ? On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 10:57 PM, gopi krishna <dasarathulagopi(a)> wrote: Hi , Â I want to know whether there is an abstract class and interfaces in python. Sort of: Cheers, Chris -- ... 14 Apr 2010 02:13
when should I explicitely close a file? Hi, I've been told, that following code snippet is not good. open("myfile","w").write(astring) , because I'm neither explicitely closing nor using the new 'with' syntax. What exactly is the impact of not closing the file explicitely (implicitley with a 'with' block)? Even with my example I'd expect... 14 Apr 2010 00:01
mailbox multipart I am trying to analyze mailboxes using an iterator: for key, message in mbox.iteritems(): When message is a simple mail message['date'] results the date. When, however, it is a multipart message this results in None. How can you full proof get the "date", "from" and "to" of of a multipart mail using python?... 14 Apr 2010 04:23
Creating a standalone application Dear all, I am getting an "expected string without null bytes" error when using cxfreeze for creating a standalone application (in Linux-Ubuntu). None of my files has null bytes. I also tried pyinstaller but I got the error attached at the end. My program runs fine when executed from eclipse. What is the eas... 17 Apr 2010 07:28
Python, CGI and Sqlite3 On 04/13/2010 12:41 PM, Majdi Sawalha wrote: import sqlite3 statement? and it gives the following error ImportError: No module named sqlite3, i tried it on python shell and all statements are work well. A couple possible things are happening but here are a few that pop to mind: 1) you're runni... 13 Apr 2010 16:11 |