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From: Osher Doctorow on 8 Jul 2010 01:57 From Osher Doctorow The least Bureaucractic and most Inventive departments that contribute to arXiv and Front for the Mathematics ArXiv include the Astrophysics/ Cosmology Departments or sub-departments of Physics, in my opinion based on many papers in those online sites. From the last few subsections of this thread, a "search principle" seems indicated: 1) ArXiv Search Principle: Search for equations of form y = 2x + z or y = 2x + k, z, x, y variable, k constant. While I will not discuss the paper mentioned below in detail now, it has many equations of the form of the ArXiv Search Principle: 2) Kinney, William H., and Dizgah, Azadeh Moradi Nezhad, U. Buffalo SUNY Buffalo New York USA, "Flow in Cyclic Cosmology", arXiv: 2007.0753 v1 [astro-ph.CO] 5 Jul 2010, 14 pages, 2 columns per page. They study and find similarities and relationships between the Ekpyrotic and Cyclic models of Cosmology by using known dualities between expanding and contracting Cosmologies, developing dual of the inflationary flow hierarchy and establishing invariance under the duality and its implications for similar equations applying to the two types of models of Cosmology. Variables in the paper include the scalar field, the gauge-independent curvature perturbation in the the comoving gauge, the equation of state parameter w, the Bardeen or Newtonian Potential related closelyto the CMB perturbations, the Hubble constant H and its derivative and second derivatives, derivatives with respect to the scalar field, derivatives with respect to conformal time, etc. Osher Doctorow |