From: J G Miller on
A question for all you users who like to use STOW


to keep your /usr/local software installations under administrative

The usual course of action is to unpack a software archive, cd
into the unpacked software directory, then

./configure --prefix=/usr/local{/X11R6 or whatever}


and then

make prefix=/usr/local/stow/package_name/{/X11R6 or whatever}

to install and then run stow on that package name.

In an increasing number of software builds for libraries I am running
into difficulties with that final step of specifying a prefix because
the installation process does not do a simple copy with install
but is running libtool and then libtool complains

libtool: install: error: cannot install `libraryname.a' to a directory
not ending in /usr/local/lib/libraryname

Is there an recommended solution to this impasse because a problem with
libtool is not mentioned in the STOW documentation or in web searches
I have tried?