From: Andrei Popescu on
On Tue,22.Dec.09, 15:52:36, peasthope(a) wrote:
> Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 23:52:50 +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote,
> > Drop a .desktop file in .config/autostart/
> For perspective I read
> ""
> Desktop Application Autostart Specification.
> Interesting.
> I created an empty ~/.config/autostart/.desktop, started X
> and found nothing new.
> WIth exec=skype in the above file, still nothing interesting.
> Then I changed the file name to ~/.config/autostart/skype.desktop
> and tried both the empty case and exec=skype as above. Still
> no autostart of skype!
> Someone please narrow down the possibilities.

Here is one of my .desktop files created with Xfce4:

,----[ .config/autostart/YeahConsole.desktop ]
| [Desktop Entry]
| Encoding=UTF-8
| Version=0.9.4
| Type=Application
| Name=YeahConsole
| Comment=YeahConsole
| Exec=yeahconsole
| StartupNotify=false
| Terminal=false
| Hidden=false

I don't think all entries are necessary...

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