From: spudnik on 31 Jul 2010 23:55 I'll huff and I'll puff. have you ever proven a theorem in (say) constructive geometry, KW?... iff you haven't, can I call you, Kobblee Yooblee? > Ahahahaha... thus: there are two 3d versions of the pythag.thm., each with different dimensional attributes.... iff you don't study Fermat's numbertheorie, you're up Shitz Creek without a paddle; however, it is better to start with his "reconstruction of Euclid's porisms," although they are just planar (synthetic geometry: see "Geometrical Fragments," belowsville .-) thus: and, the other half d'oil evaporates, as has been shown of late (again) in the newspapers. Congress and the Administration are a bit behind, in using Iran Oil's big blow-out in the Gulf, to leverage BP's cap&trade nostrum; eh? a-yup: Such microbes have been found in every ocean of the world sampled, from the Arctic Antarctica. But there are reasons to think that the process may occur more quickly in the Gulf than in other oceans. --les ducs d'oil! --Light, A History!
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