"Can the Second Law of Thermodynamics Be Circumvented?" "Can the Second Law of Thermodynamics Be Circumvented?" (See also our sister website reticsessays.com) The validity of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics seems to be beyond question. Under the first law, the total energy content of a closed system must remain constant. Under the second law,... 30 Sep 2009 12:25
The Big Bang Theory Big Blunder: An Open Letter to Closed Minds An Open Letter to Closed Minds http://www.s8int.com/bigbang2.html I apologize for my possibly rude words, but Einstein's Relativity (both SR & GR) along with the Big Bang Theory are all B U L L S H I T ! and D E F E C A T I O N ! the biggest damage to the advance of science ever! ... 17 Oct 2009 12:54
Invest $6 and make $50,000…$$$ On Sep 24, 6:27 pm, nbadman <nbad...(a)live.com> wrote: EXCELLENT CASH INCOME A damned pyramid scheme, illegal. ... 25 Sep 2009 16:27
Was spacetime present before Big Bang? Our Universe was born after Big Bang [99% Agree] When Universe was created It is said it was even smaller than even an electron. Am I Right here? What about spacetime. Was spacetime created after 10 ^ (-1000) seconds the Universe was formed? Or it was present even before BigBang happened? When the Univer... 30 Sep 2009 12:25
What is your EM crankosity? Are you a Maxwell loon? How well do you understand Maxwell's equations? Ten easy questions to measure your kookosity: 1. An electromagnetic plane wave in free vacuum consists of a sinusoidal electric field and a sinusoidal magnetic field at right angles to it. These fields are delayed 90 degrees from one anoth... 1 Oct 2009 20:44
The Sagnac Effect revisited I've figured out a metaphor for this. Imagine that you have a big merry-go-round with plenty of room to walk on it, and you have the assistance of a well-trained marching band. First we will demonstrate the Sagnac Effect under a simple emissions theory. We have two band members march on the carousel in opposite... 24 Sep 2009 12:44
NICAP - UFOS -Tourism I think it most likely that we are expeiencing a form of tourism by bored, superior beings who seek better than Newsight, erm, night, erm, Newsnight - and Paxman, the latter a bit like noughts and crosswords, as it were. Level I: Quick look round the SpaceTime Place, having chosen from a catal... 20 Sep 2009 04:10
Newton's law of gravitational attraction On Sep 18, 1:09 pm, NoEinstein <noeinst...(a)bellsouth.net> wrote: On Sep 16, 6:22 pm, PD <thedraperfam...(a)gmail.com> wrote: On Sep 16, 4:58 pm, NoEinstein <noeinst...(a)bellsouth.net> wrote: On Sep 14, 5:32 pm, PD <thedraperfam...(a)gmail.com> wrote: Dear PD, the Parasite Dunce: Eins... 21 Feb 2010 13:46
What this Universe would have been if there were no gravity? Just imagine God asks all Gravitons to vanish. Now what will happen? How will earth behave? What will happen to oceans/ Sun/ moon. Can there be life without gravity? Imagine after Big bang there is no gravity. How this Universe/ Stars would have behaved in such a case? No Black holes will form. Stars wi... 27 Oct 2009 17:02
A nomenclature puzzle about gradients, divergences and fields Let's consider a classical newtonian gravitational potential, which is well-known it's a scalar quantity, \phi = -GM/|r| where |r| is the norm of the radial vector distance r, and GM is gravitational parameter The gradient of that \phi is the gravitational vector field, g, g = grad(\phi) = GM r /|r|... 18 Sep 2009 14:31 |