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Transaction Replication Help.
Hi, I am new to replication and after setting up trans replication, I add the table below at publisher and want to synch to subscriber only this table not entire snapshot again. Any help would greatly appreciate. BTW, I am using SQL 2005. EXECute sp_addarticle @publication = 'Rep_MyDB_Trans' ... 2 Feb 2010 16:05
Deferred updates
According to Microsoft, "If any column that is part of a unique constraint is updated, then SQL Server implements the update as a 'deferred update'. ... There are also other situations that might cause a deferred update." -- The web page does not describe what those "o... 2 Feb 2010 16:05
URGENT -- Disconnecting from Publisher.
How did you eventually fix the problem? From Posted via Groups ... 2 Feb 2010 16:05
Manual Upload of Data from Subscriber to Publisher Database
Hi, We are using Merge replication between SQL Server 2005 and 2005 Express edition. Sometimes due to retention period or someother issues we are not able to sync the data. I am working on utility to do the data upload to publisher database. So far we are able to create all the required sql statements includi... 2 Feb 2010 16:05
Merge Repl: Changing Profiles Has No Effect
Guys, I need to increase the login timeout on a few of my publishers, but adjusting the agent parameters on the distributor seems to have no effect. Publisher/Distributor: SQL2000, SP3, on Windows XP Subscriber: SQL2000, SP3, so Server 2000. Pulls every 15 minutes. On the distributor, I've created a new profi... 27 Jan 2010 17:11
Error 207 - Invlaid Column Name
We have peer to peer rep setup in SQL 2008. We have added a new column called 'setby' to a table using alter table tableA add [SetBy] [varchar] (64) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL GO This is added succesfully on both sides. Upon restarting replication we get "Invalid column name" Steby http://hel... 8 Feb 2010 05:37
Error Using the "Copy permissions" setting for articles
Using Transactional Replication. SQL Server 2008 SP1 x64. (Windows 2008 R2) Replicating permissions for non dbo schemas causes an error when Snapshot agent runs. Created a blank database, added a schema, "valuer". Added a sproc to that schema: CREATE PROCEDURE valuer.TestProc3 AS BEGIN SELECT 3 END En... 27 Jan 2010 14:54
Replication via SMO/RMO - Error "class not registered"
Hi ! We are attempting to write an app that simplifies Replication in as much as it will Publish / Subscribe and Synchronise ... We have used SQL SMO v10 via SQL Server 2008 sdk/Visual Studio 2008 Database edition The machine on which this program was written has SMO v10 via VS 2008 SQL Database Edi... 25 Jan 2010 12:48
Query Timeout Expired Error
i have configured transactional replication. Publisher and distributor on same server ,when data is transmitted from distrubutor to subscriber the query timeout error was occured and distribution agent is retrying to transfer cmds. Please suggest me on this error. Thanks venkat ... 2 Feb 2010 16:05
Field addition replication
All servers are running SQL 2005. I have several remote locations that replicate via transactional replication to a central location (NOLA), the SQL server @ NOLA replications to the corporate office (CORP). If I need to add a field @ the remote locations to a table, SQL 2005 will handle the replication of thi... 4 Feb 2010 12:18
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