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New article - snapshot not applying at subscriber
Last Friday, a request came to add two new articles to our transactional replication setup. I did things as I normally do (i.e. sp_addarticle & sp_addsubscription for each article, then generate snapshot), but the subscriber would not pick up the snapshot. Here's some information that seems relevant: - The pub... 1 Mar 2010 11:24
Tx Replication Issue - Syntax error, permission violation
Hi there, I am facing an issue at the Tx replication side. Pub. & Sub are in the same server [sql 2005+sp3 standard] Typical error msg is as follows, Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent DEV-DB-DEV-17 failed. Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error In the d... 1 Mar 2010 02:36
Updatable subscription and Linked Servers.
I just realized that when I sever the connection between the publisher and describer, writes fail b/c it complains about not seeing the other server!! Is this something that changes, does updatable subscription require 100% uptime? -Michael ... 26 Feb 2010 13:04
Error ' Could not obtain information about Windows NT group '
Hello! I have upgraded several databases from 2005 to 2008. I configured replication (created publisher and subscriber) and log reader for a database in question was failing because of 'Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user ...' error. Now I am trying to drop publication. All articles have... 24 Feb 2010 11:59
using a UDF as a filter in trans replication
All servers are running SQL 2005. I created a UDF that returns one value ~~~~~ create FUNCTION dbo.WhatLocationIsThis() RETURNS numeric AS begin declare @return as numeric SELECT @return = Location FROM storemain..tblLocationTable return @return end ~~~~~ I use the UDF in a filter statment in a pub... 24 Feb 2010 10:51
Synchronise replication agents
I have performed a transactional replication in my company. However, replication agents are idles. I need a script or a command sql to start the three agents (snapshot, journal and distribution). I write a script to create the transactional agent; however, these three agents are idles and need to be started. Wh... 8 Mar 2010 14:09
Script to start replication agent
I have performed a transactional replication in my company. However, replication agents are idle. I need a script or a command sql to start the three agents (snapshot, journal and distribution). I write a script to create the transactional agent; however, these three agents are idles and need to be started. Whe... 22 Feb 2010 15:17
Replication Failure-Cannot drop replication
My distribution server failed. Because of that my publishing database log file will not shrink because it is waiting to push out the transactions. I re-set up the distributer, all linked servers and logins. I still get the error below when I try to drop or do anything that matter to make replicxation work. ... 21 Feb 2010 14:52 Kit completo de Solenoides ( solenoid ) + chicotePara Cambio automatico 01M hidramatico Audi A3 Vw Golf gti turbo 60357
Contato: marvendas(a) marvendas @ marvendas no Kit completo de solenoides para Volkswagem e Audi. O kit contem: 5 solenoides 2 Epc ( solenoides de pressao ) 1 Chicote Serve para qualquer modelo VW ou Audi fabricados de 1995 ate hoje com o cambio automatico de 4 marchas � 01M Pre�o: R$ ... 19 Feb 2010 23:18
Credentials for Mirroring
Hello, We are mirroring a SQL Server 2008 Entreprise database over to another SQLServer on another server. We had issues setting this up due to the credentials the SQLServer service runs under (LocalSystem) seems it didn't have permissions to write over to the target server. To solve this we had to start t... 24 Feb 2010 17:43
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