From: Mohammad A. Mezher on
Hi everyone,

I am using the perfcurve built in function from Matlab to plot the area under roc curve. one of its parameters is scores. the function maybe look likes

% labels are the test data labels
% scores returned by a classifier for some test data
% posclass is is the positive class label
[X,Y] = perfcurve(labels,scores,posclass);

The function i am using to find the score values as follow:

% f = (feval(kfun,sv,Xnew,kfunargs{:}))'; returned the kernel matrix of test data
% alpha is The SVM alpha values (filled by learning)
% bias is a bias parameters
% sv, alpha and bias are returned by svmtrain function from matlab
score=f*alpha+ bias;

Am i doing right here or the score value should be generated in another way???