From: Dhruv on

I'm building a GUI for MRI images. I have 3 axes each displaying slices from the MRI image set. I want to create a 3d ROI based on user input (such as around a tumor).

roipoly seems like a good start to a solution, but so far I've been unable to figure out how to use it in a GUI with multiple axes. I'd need the ROI input from the user specified to the axis on which it was created so I can build a 3D ROI mask.

Any ideas on how to achieve this?

From: ImageAnalyst on
Just call the axes() function to set focus to the image that you want
to use roipoly (or roipolyold) on. (With roipolyold, you don't have
to do that annoying final confirmation step). Maybe you can have
radio buttons for the user to decide which of the three axes they want
to draw on, or you can draw in a predefined order, like on axes1 first
then on axes2, and finally on axes3.