From: Anti-Spam on
I posted this in another group but got no replies, going to give it a
shot here.

"I have some friends who live out in the country, in the same valley
all within about 1km of each other. One of them managed to get
Telefonica (Spain) to install one of their Satellite Internet systems
(its a Hughes Satellite Modem/2-Port Router). The speed is not
brilliant, but its the only game in town. The others would all like to
share this connection/cost, as the usage will only be light, only for
emails etc.
I am no expert, but I suggested (after a small amount of research on
the internet) that they try hooking up a Linksys WRT54G router running
DD-WRT to the Satellite Internet Modem, put a Yagi 16Db Antenna onto
the wireless side of the router, pointing in the general direction of
the others (with the transmit power cranked up a little). Each of the
others, also have a Yagi antenna pointing back at the WRT54G, hooked
up to a high transmit power Wifi/Ethernet adaptor.

I can get the Router and the Wifi/Ethernet adaptors to talk to each
other, but here is the nub of my question.

I cannot get the WRT54G to talk with the modem/router. (Incidentaly,
Nor if I hook up my VOIP adaptor direct to the Hughes modem, can I get
that to establish a connection with it).

I had a quick look at the settings left by the telefonica guys on the
laptop of the original user, and there appears to be no TCP/IP
option, just a "Microsoft client option for networks" under the LAN
connection properties.

Suddenly this expert realises he knows less than he thought.

Anybody care to offer some suggestions as to what the problem might
be, without giving too much stick, thanks. TIA
Mark in Spain."