From: Blunderdog on 26 Aug 2008 16:34 One of our sites must use Forms Based Authentication. This same site has a dedicated IP address and a SSL cert installed for it. The site also shares data with an Intranet site that uses Active Directory Authentication. I've added these sites to the Edit Content Source area in the Shared Services Administration:SharedServices1/Search Settings/Content sources. These are listed as: http://someextranet/ uses AD authentication uses FBA Search works fine in my other sites but not on this site. In the Configure Search Settings screen I have some errors in log. The relevant ones are pasted below. sts3s:// An unrecognized HTTP status was received. Check that the address can be accessed using Internet Explorer. (HttpStatusCode Found The request failed with the error message: -- <html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body> <h2>Object moved to <a href="/_layouts/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f_vti_bin%2fsitedata.asmx">here</a>.</h2> </body></html> --.) and http://someextranet Element not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002802B (TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND)) (ComInterop Exception) what is the "sts3s" and can anyone help me get this fixed? Thanks
From: spconsultant on 27 Aug 2008 10:09 The search service still has to access the site using a regular authentication vehicle since it can't authenticate using FBA. I believe the standard practice it to create the site in the default zone using NTLM, then EXTEND the site to another site that uses FBA. Seach uses the default zone to index the data, then your users would use the FBA site to do thir work. On Aug 26, 4:34 pm, "Blunderdog" <blunder...(a)> wrote: > One of our sites must use Forms Based Authentication. This same site has a > dedicated IP address and a SSL cert installed for it. The site also shares > data with an Intranet site that uses Active Directory Authentication. I've > added these sites to the Edit Content Source area in the Shared Services > Administration:SharedServices1/Search Settings/Content sources. These are > listed as: > > http://someextranet/ uses AD authentication uses FBA > > Search works fine in my other sites but not on this site. In the Configure > Search Settings screen I have some errors in log. The relevant ones are > pasted below. > > sts3s:// > An unrecognized HTTP status was received. Check that the address can be > accessed using Internet Explorer. (HttpStatusCode Found The request failed > with the error message: -- <html><head><title>Object > moved</title></head><body> <h2>Object moved to <a > href="/_layouts/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f_vti_bin%2fsitedata.asmx">here</a>.</h2> > </body></html> --.) > > and > > http://someextranet > Element not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002802B > (TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND)) (ComInterop Exception) > > what is the "sts3s" and can anyone help me get this fixed? > > Thanks
From: Blunderdog on 27 Aug 2008 12:59 That is essentially what I did, only following a good article at I set up the FBA site first and then extended it to the default zone with NTLM and search is working in that zone which I thought would mean it would work in the FBA site as well. Well shut my mouth, I kicked off a full crawl about 10 minutes ago and just now was able to search on the FBA. Hopefully now all will be stable and users will still be able to log in. I'm very curious as to what overwrote my web.config file yesterday. Thanks for your help. "spconsultant" <gfpilot2002(a)> wrote in message news:75c791b2-a950-40f8-8151-65c21c4ced73(a) The search service still has to access the site using a regular authentication vehicle since it can't authenticate using FBA. I believe the standard practice it to create the site in the default zone using NTLM, then EXTEND the site to another site that uses FBA. Seach uses the default zone to index the data, then your users would use the FBA site to do thir work.
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