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From: monalisa sen on 8 May 2010 11:33 "Bruno Luong" <b.luong(a)fogale.findmycountry> wrote in message <hs3k1k$76b$1(a)>... > Actually since all the equation are equalities, no simple linear inversion (no need fancy toolbox) should do: > > % John's example > n = 4; > A = [ 16 2 3 13; > 5 11 10 8; > 9 7 6 12; > 4 14 15 1]; > B = [4.78082343328984 9.22416092385747 11.3133835756658 8.68163206718693; ... > 8.71780822242756 5.02919066456483 8.44394288910161 11.809058223906; ... > 7.34746997932943 7.70521084234125 9.64129536853806 9.30602380979126; ... > 8.89183816258422 1.19610039052821 7.7213261373564 16.1907353095312]; > > Aeq = [kron(speye(size(A)),A); > sparse(1:n,1:n+1:n^2,1,n,n*n); > kron(ones(1,n),speye(n))]; > > beq = [B(:); > zeros(n,1); > ones(n,1)]; > > X = reshape(Aeq\beq,[n n]); > > disp(X) > > % Bruno Thanks a lot John and Bruno. I really appreciate your help. Both my A and B matrix are full rank, but B can be real or complex matrix. How would I go about if it is complex. thanks
From: monalisa sen on 8 May 2010 11:44 if I have to solve for X with the same constraints as above, but now the equation is E(X+X')+C(XX')=D; all these matrices E,C,D are full rank and real. any help/ suggestion would be great.
From: Bruno Luong on 8 May 2010 17:24 "monalisa sen" <msen1981(a)> wrote in message <hs40s5$7df$1(a)>... > if I have to solve for X with the same constraints as above, but now the equation is > E(X+X')+C(XX')=D; all these matrices E,C,D are full rank and real. > > any help/ suggestion would be great. I would suggest to take a look at Newton method. Each Newton step will reduce to a linear problem where you can use the technique John and I have indicated earlier. But again, I have a reason to think you have yet to formulate the problem correctly, so I'll not give any concrete help. Bruno
From: John D'Errico on 9 May 2010 06:15 "Bruno Luong" <b.luong(a)fogale.findmycountry> wrote in message <hs3k1k$76b$1(a)>... > Actually since all the equation are equalities, no simple linear inversion (no need fancy toolbox) should do: > NO! I strongly disagree with this statement. There is a very significant difference between what Bruno shows and what I showed how to do. When you solve a linear system of equations subject to equality constraints as did I, you force the equality constraints to hold exactly true. Thus, solve the linear system A*x = y subject to the linear equality constraints Aeq*x = beq When you do so with a tool designed to solve that linear system, you force the constraints in Aeq to be satisfied EXACTLY, while the equations in A*x = y are satisfied as well as you can subject to the equality constraints. You are then minimizing norm(A*x - y) What Bruno has suggested doing is to replace this equality constrained problem with a very different one!!!!! He tells you to form the new linear system [A;Aeq] * x = [y;beq] and to solve that system as a single least squares problem. The equality constraints are now lumped in with the rest of A, allowing them to be only approximately satisfied!!!!! You are now solving the problem of minimizing norm([A;Aeq]*x - [y;beq]) This is a VERY different thing. A very different solution, and I'll claim not an appropriate one given the problem statement. That it is an easier one to solve in MATLAB since it does not require lsqlin does not make it a better solution. As long as you have an exact solution, as I did when I made up data in my test case, it did not matter. The two methods must yield the same result. However, in the real world, when your data is imperfect, there is a significant difference!!!!! John
From: Bruno Luong on 9 May 2010 07:30 "monalisa sen" <msen1981(a)> wrote in message <hs40s5$7df$1(a)>... > if I have to solve for X with the same constraints as above, but now the equation is > E(X+X')+C(XX')=D; all these matrices E,C,D are full rank and real. > > any help/ suggestion would be great. Despite what I wrote, I can't resist to make a code to solve of the equation: % script newtonsolve.m %% Data n=4; E = 10*randn(n); C = 10*randn(n); % Generate X that saitisfies constraints X = rand(n); X(1:n+1:end) = 0; X = diag(1./sum(X,2))*X; % rhs D = C*X*X'+E*(X+X'); fprintf('X input:\n') disp(X); fprintf('D\n') disp(D); %% Engine idx = zeros(n); idx(:) = 1:numel(idx); maxiter = 100; tol = 1e-10; Aeq = [sparse(1:n,1:n+1:n^2,1,n,n*n); kron(ones(1,n),speye(n))]; beq = [zeros(n,1); ones(n,1)]; X0 = reshape(Aeq \ beq, [n n]); Q = null(full(Aeq)); P=Q*Q'; % Projection operator on span <Aeq> EE = C\E; DD = C\D; % Matrix for EE*DX M1 = kron(eye(size(EE)),EE); % Matrix for EE*DX' M2 = kron(EE',eye(size(EE)))'; M2 = M2(idx',:); % Random starting solution X = zeros(n); lhsfun = @(X) (EE*(X+X') + X*X'); % Newton iteration for i=1:maxiter % Matrix for X*DX' M3 = kron(X',eye(size(X)))'; M3 = M3(idx',:); % Matrix for DX*X' M4 = kron(X',eye(size(X')))'; % Group all together M = M1+M2+M3+M4; % Rhs B = DD - lhsfun(X); DX = reshape(pinv(M)*B(:),[n n]); XOLD = X; % Update X, and make sure it satisfies the constraints X(:) = X0(:) + P*(X(:)+DX(:)-X0(:)); res = norm(XOLD-X,'fro'); if res<tol break end end %% Check fprintf('#iterations = %d\n', i); fprintf('X output:\n') disp(X) fprintf('E*(X+X'') + C*X*X''\n') disp(E*(X+X') + C*X*X') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% >> newtonsolve X input: 0 0.200011057410700 0.435143156125102 0.364845786464198 0.041699642636209 0 0.838590892356224 0.119709465007567 0.632003764772581 0.038824206504272 0 0.329172028723146 0.283411262822000 0.400519151217284 0.316069585960716 0 D 8.437875454824908 8.231567016110517 25.378926447605572 20.767614997066133 -32.576607481949722 -23.167874664568505 -23.733560823288471 -17.317195377377494 -21.109645575796083 -19.144084118959430 -28.679022904527024 -21.219115873571241 27.951333799118892 23.738997187380996 30.296712983976700 35.870650389416355 #iterations = 10 X output: 0 0.200011057410682 0.435143156125108 0.364845786464209 0.041699642636213 0 0.838590892356238 0.119709465007549 0.632003764772585 0.038824206504273 0 0.329172028723141 0.283411262821972 0.400519151217300 0.316069585960729 0 E*(X+X') + C*X*X' 8.437875454824923 8.231567016110521 25.378926447605522 20.767614997065859 -32.576607481949466 -23.167874664568380 -23.733560823288894 -17.317195377377303 -21.109645575795909 -19.144084118959562 -28.679022904527226 -21.219115873571123 27.951333799119027 23.738997187380903 30.296712983977219 35.870650389416028 % Bruno
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