From: Bruno Luong on
"monalisa " <mde1506(a)> wrote in message <hscj19$pf5$1(a)>...
> The solution is converging , but many x(i,j) are negative in the final X matrix.
> does it mean one of the constraint condition is not working?

Do you want to impose X them positive? May be the easiest option is to use one of the function (e.g., FMINCON) in optimization toolbox. May be John can guide you, I do not have the license for this toolbox.

From: Bruno Luong on
Sorry I overlooked your first post and the condition X>=0 is indeed required. Another option is just project X to the positive set after updating X

% ...
X = XOLD + DX;
% new codes
X = max(X,0);

From: monalisa on
I really appreciate your patience. When I am projecting X on the positive set,after updating in the final iteration, its giving me for some of the row sums > 1.

"Bruno Luong" <b.luong(a)fogale.findmycountry> wrote in message <hscjrg$g98$1(a)>...
> Sorry I overlooked your first post and the condition X>=0 is indeed required. Another option is just project X to the positive set after updating X
> % ...
> X = XOLD + DX;
> % new codes
> X = max(X,0);
> DX = X-XOLD;
> %
> ...
> Bruno
From: Bruno Luong on
"monalisa " <mde1506(a)> wrote in message <hscrom$pvd$1(a)>...
> I really appreciate your patience. When I am projecting X on the positive set,after updating in the final iteration, its giving me for some of the row sums > 1.

Sorry, I forget to take into account other constraints. What I can offer is making the following change: find the Newton step-size (called rho) so that the condition X>=0 is prevailed. I make two alterations in the code, finding the best maximum step-size and in the test accordingly for breaking the Newton's for-loop.

Remember that the more you increase the size, the more the problem becomes unstable. Indeed, the matrix equation looks like a non-linear first kind Fredholm's integral equation, which is a prototype of ill-posed problem. Any numerical solution will have a limitation.

Here is the new code.

function X = LMsolve(E, C, D)
% X = LMsolve(E, C, D)
% Solve for X the system
% E*(X+X') + C*(X*X') = D
% diag(X) = 0
% sum(X,2) = 1
% X >= 0
% All matrices are square and real and have the same size (n x n)
% Levenberg-Marquardt method

%% Engine, try to find X from E, C, D
n = length(D);
n2 = n*n;
idx = reshape(1:n2,[n n]);
p = idx.';
TMat = sparse(p(:), idx(:), 1, n2, n2);

% Newton pamameters
maxiter = 1000;
tol = 1e-10;
% Levenberg-Marquardt parameters
lbdref = 0.01;
v = 2; % speed of damping factor

I = speye(n);

Aeq = [sparse(1:n,1:n+1:n2,1,n,n2); ...

beq = [zeros(n,1); ...

X0 = reshape(Aeq \ beq, [n n]);

Q = spnull(Aeq);
P = Q*Q'; % Projection operator on orthogonal span <rows Aeq>

% Reformulate matrix equation: EE*(X+X')+(X*X') = DD
% (and other constraints)
EE = C\E;
DD = C\D;

% Matrix for EE*DX
M1 = kron(I,EE);

% Matrix for EE*DX'
M2 = TMat*kron(EE,I);

M12 = M1+M2;

converge = false;
resfun = @(X) DD - (EE*(X+X') + X*X');

lbd = lbdref;
nresold = Inf;

% "Random" starting solution
X = zeros(n);

TEMat = speye(n2) + TMat;

% Project on the affine space
X(:) = X0(:) + P*(X(:)-X0(:));

% Newton iteration
for i=1:maxiter

% Matrix for DX*X' + X*DX'
M34 = TEMat*kron(X,I);

% Group all together
M = M12+M34;

% We look for DX := Q*DY
% Such that M*DX = RHS
M = M*Q;

% Diagonal of Levenberg-marquardt damping
LM = sqrt(sum(M.^2,1));
m = size(M,2);
LM = sparse(1:m, 1:m, LM, m, m);

% Rhs
B = resfun(X);
RHS = [B(:); zeros(m,1)];

% Keep track old matrix

% LM iteration on damping factor lbd
while true
J = [M; lbd*LM];

DX = Q*DY;
DX = reshape(DX,[n n]);

% Find the step maximum step size so as
% to prevent X to be < 0 after updating
DX(1:n+1:n) = 0;
rho = -XOLD./DX;
rho(DX>=0) = Inf;
rho = min(min(rho(:)),1);
% Update X
X = XOLD + rho*DX;

residual = resfun(X);
nres = norm(residual(:));
if nres<=nresold || lbd>1e3
nresold = nres;
if lbd>1e-6
lbd = lbd/v;
break % while-loop
lbd = lbd*v;
end % LM inner-loop
nDX = rho*norm(DX(:));
if nDX<tol
converge = true;
break % for-loop
end % for-loop

if nres>nresold

%% Check
if converge
fprintf('#iterations = %d\n', i);
warning('not yet converge');

end % LMsolve


% Bruno
From: monalisa on
Thanks a ton....I am unfamiliar with Fredholm's integral equation, but I will read it up.
Thanks again.

"Bruno Luong" <b.luong(a)fogale.findmycountry> wrote in message <hsde1k$jd9$1(a)>...
> "monalisa " <mde1506(a)> wrote in message <hscrom$pvd$1(a)>...
> > I really appreciate your patience. When I am projecting X on the positive set,after updating in the final iteration, its giving me for some of the row sums > 1.
> Sorry, I forget to take into account other constraints. What I can offer is making the following change: find the Newton step-size (called rho) so that the condition X>=0 is prevailed. I make two alterations in the code, finding the best maximum step-size and in the test accordingly for breaking the Newton's for-loop.
> Remember that the more you increase the size, the more the problem becomes unstable. Indeed, the matrix equation looks like a non-linear first kind Fredholm's integral equation, which is a prototype of ill-posed problem. Any numerical solution will have a limitation.
> Here is the new code.
> function X = LMsolve(E, C, D)
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> % X = LMsolve(E, C, D)
> % Solve for X the system
> % E*(X+X') + C*(X*X') = D
> % diag(X) = 0
> % sum(X,2) = 1
> % X >= 0
> %
> % All matrices are square and real and have the same size (n x n)
> % Levenberg-Marquardt method
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %% Engine, try to find X from E, C, D
> n = length(D);
> n2 = n*n;
> idx = reshape(1:n2,[n n]);
> p = idx.';
> TMat = sparse(p(:), idx(:), 1, n2, n2);
> % Newton pamameters
> maxiter = 1000;
> tol = 1e-10;
> % Levenberg-Marquardt parameters
> lbdref = 0.01;
> v = 2; % speed of damping factor
> I = speye(n);
> Aeq = [sparse(1:n,1:n+1:n2,1,n,n2); ...
> kron(ones(1,n),I)];
> beq = [zeros(n,1); ...
> ones(n,1)];
> X0 = reshape(Aeq \ beq, [n n]);
> Q = spnull(Aeq);
> P = Q*Q'; % Projection operator on orthogonal span <rows Aeq>
> % Reformulate matrix equation: EE*(X+X')+(X*X') = DD
> % (and other constraints)
> EE = C\E;
> DD = C\D;
> % Matrix for EE*DX
> M1 = kron(I,EE);
> % Matrix for EE*DX'
> M2 = TMat*kron(EE,I);
> M12 = M1+M2;
> converge = false;
> resfun = @(X) DD - (EE*(X+X') + X*X');
> lbd = lbdref;
> nresold = Inf;
> % "Random" starting solution
> X = zeros(n);
> TEMat = speye(n2) + TMat;
> % Project on the affine space
> X(:) = X0(:) + P*(X(:)-X0(:));
> % Newton iteration
> for i=1:maxiter
> % Matrix for DX*X' + X*DX'
> M34 = TEMat*kron(X,I);
> % Group all together
> M = M12+M34;
> % We look for DX := Q*DY
> % Such that M*DX = RHS
> M = M*Q;
> % Diagonal of Levenberg-marquardt damping
> LM = sqrt(sum(M.^2,1));
> m = size(M,2);
> LM = sparse(1:m, 1:m, LM, m, m);
> % Rhs
> B = resfun(X);
> RHS = [B(:); zeros(m,1)];
> % Keep track old matrix
> XOLD = X;
> % LM iteration on damping factor lbd
> while true
> J = [M; lbd*LM];
> DY = J\RHS;
> DX = Q*DY;
> DX = reshape(DX,[n n]);
> % Find the step maximum step size so as
> % to prevent X to be < 0 after updating
> DX(1:n+1:n) = 0;
> rho = -XOLD./DX;
> rho(DX>=0) = Inf;
> rho = min(min(rho(:)),1);
> % Update X
> X = XOLD + rho*DX;
> residual = resfun(X);
> nres = norm(residual(:));
> if nres<=nresold || lbd>1e3
> nresold = nres;
> if lbd>1e-6
> lbd = lbd/v;
> end
> break % while-loop
> else
> lbd = lbd*v;
> end
> end % LM inner-loop
> nDX = rho*norm(DX(:));
> if nDX<tol
> converge = true;
> break % for-loop
> end
> end % for-loop
> if nres>nresold
> X = XOLD;
> end
> %% Check
> if converge
> fprintf('#iterations = %d\n', i);
> else
> warning('not yet converge');
> end
> end % LMsolve
> %%%%%
> % Bruno
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