Prev: SpywareBlaster Database update 7/8/2010 | late post | apologies
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From: David H. Lipman on 10 Jul 2010 22:06 From: "Anne Onime" <anonymous(a)> | He/she is right. The announcments are ads. Kaspersky, Eset, | Symantec, and more, release many updates each day. If all | vendors flood security newsgroups with ads, Usenet will be | buried in bullshit. They are not ads. Unlike most anti virus/anti malware that updates extremely regularly, SpywareBlaster updates sporadically. -- Dave Multi-AV -
From: ~BD~ on 11 Jul 2010 03:09 "Peter Foldes" <maci252211(a)> wrote in message news:i1bdm0$m2r$1(a) > SpywareBlaster updates really sporadically and it does not advertise > when updated. You are wrong in what you said and Silj is to be > recommended for advising when it updates. Perhaps you meant to say "commended"? FYI Automatic Database Updates ********************** Increase your protection and keep your protection database up-to-date automatically. SpywareBlaster AutoUpdate works intelligently behind the scenes to download and apply the latest protection updates. As lightweight as it is powerful, AutoUpdate runs only occasionally to check for updates and apply the latest protection, so you're always up-to-date and normal computer use is unaffected.
From: Dante Alighieri on 27 Jul 2010 18:00
On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 02:50:47 +0200 (CEST), Anne Onime <anonymous(a)> wrote: >If all >vendors flood security newsgroups with ads, Usenet will be >buried in bullshit. "Usenet" bus palaidotas nesamone.? Uhh, patikrinti keleta geru; Usenet grupes. "Usenet" jau palaidotas nesamone., LOL. Mano vienintelis klausimas: "Kaip jums sis dalykas rasyti Unicode? Correct, however, they do not, but as Dave said, "... updates sporadically. Same for SBS&D, sporadic updates. My AV updates several times daily, update notices never appear on usenet. That would require a usenet group unto itself for each product that updates daily. By the time a user looked up usenet for update notices several time a day the user could have spent less time by pressing the update each time the user signed on to the internet. Or as I recommend to others, set the program to auto-update daily. HTH Dante Teisingai, tac(iau jie to nedaro, bet kaip Dave sake.: "... atnaujinti sporadiskai. Same for SBS & D atsitiktinis atnaujinimai. Mano AV atnaujinimai kelis kartus per diena; atnaujina pranesimus niekada ant "Usenet". Tai reikalauja priklauso "Usenet" pas save kiekvienam produktui, kad atnaujinami kasdien. Iki to laiko, kai vartotojas pamac(iau "Usenet" naujinimo pranesimus keleta; kartu; per diena; vartotojas gali praleido maziau laiko, paspaudus atnaujinti kiekviena; karta, kai vartotojas pasirasytas prie interneto. Arba, kaip as rekomenduoju kitiems, nustatyti programos auto-update per para;. HTH Dante |