From: Sinisa Jelicic on

I found the answer

From: Nathan on
On Feb 17, 2:56 pm, "Sinisa Jelicic" <tis...(a)> wrote:
> Ok,
> this is program
> fileList = dir('C:\Users\Laptop\Desktop\Matlab\fileList\kds')
> fileList = fileList(~[fileList.isdir]); %remove directories
> [junk, sortorder] = sort([fileList.datenum]);
> fileList = fileList(sortorder); %list is now in ascending date order
> numfiles = numel(fileList);
> In = cell(1,numfiles);
> for ii = 1:numfiles
> fid = fopen(fileList(ii).name);
> In{ii} = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', ';');
> fclose(fid);
> end
> it creates 1x3 struct in every 3 columns is struct 1x10 struct and in every of those 10 columsn is 4000x1 struct.
> first line of raw data was
> 1;1;Sanja;Jelicic;601;80270;133;a13rii8t;False;02/07/2010 00:03:07;
> and I want to know how to get 'Sanja' form this or how to get into 1 column, then in that coulum 3 rd column and in that column 1 row

First, you need to stop using the word "struct" to describe your data.
Running your code returns CELL ARRAYs, not STRUCTs. (Yes, there IS a

To retrieve information from your CELL ARRAY, you can do something
like this:

retrieveddata = In{1}{3}{400};

Note the curly braces to retrieve the contents of the cell.

Good luck.

From: Sinisa Jelicic on
> First, you need to stop using the word "struct" to describe your data.
> Running your code returns CELL ARRAYs, not STRUCTs. (Yes, there IS a
> difference.)
> To retrieve information from your CELL ARRAY, you can do something
> like this:
> retrieveddata = In{1}{3}{400};
> Note the curly braces to retrieve the contents of the cell.
> Good luck.
> -Nathan

Ok, I have one more question

if I wanna take 2 columns from 2nd set of cells array and let it be 400 element how do I write it
retrieveddata = In{1}{2:3}{400}; -doesen't work

if you get what I want

From: Nathan on
On Feb 17, 4:35 pm, "Sinisa Jelicic" <tis...(a)> wrote:
> > First, you need to stop using the word "struct" to describe your data.
> > Running your code returns CELL ARRAYs, not STRUCTs. (Yes, there IS a
> > difference.)
> > To retrieve information from your CELL ARRAY, you can do something
> > like this:
> > retrieveddata = In{1}{3}{400};
> > Note the curly braces to retrieve the contents of the cell.
> > Good luck.
> > -Nathan
> Ok, I have one more question
> if I wanna take 2 columns from 2nd set of cells array and let it be 400 element how do I write it
> retrieveddata = In{1}{2:3}{400}; -doesen't work
> if you get what I want
> Thanks
> Sinisa

You can do it via cellfun, if you want.

Note, the outcome will be a cell array as well.

From: Sinisa Jelicic on
> You can do it via cellfun, if you want.
> cellfun(@(x)x{400},In{1}(2:3),'un',0)
> Note, the outcome will be a cell array as well.
> -Nathan

what @(x)x{400} represents
what 'un',0 represents

I have problem like this
cell arrays


and I need let's say 40th element from <4500x1> from first 3 columns of <1x10>
