From: Nathan on
On Feb 17, 5:25 pm, "Sinisa Jelicic" <tis...(a)> wrote:
> > You can do it via cellfun, if you want.
> > cellfun(@(x)x{400},In{1}(2:3),'un',0)
> > Note, the outcome will be a cell array as well.
> > -Nathan
> wow
> what @(x)x{400} represents
> what 'un',0 represents
> I have problem like this
> cell arrays
> <1x10><4500x1>
> and I need let's say 40th element from <4500x1> from first 3 columns of <1x10>
> Thanks
> Sinisa

First off, did that work for you?

@(x)x{400} represents an anonymous function.
The parameter is defined by x. I passed In{1}(2:3) to x.
The cellfun then goes through both cells In{1}(2) and In{1}(3) and
grabs the {400} cell from each and returns them.

'un' is short for UniformOutput. see the cellfun documentation for
more details.
0 stands for false, as in I am asking for not UniformOutput and to
place output in individual cells

Do you understand that you keep asking the same question over and over

Manipulate what I gave you to retrieve the "40th element from <4500x1>
from first 3 columns of <1x10>"

Assume cellarray is your <1x10><4500x1>
elementtoget = 40;

From: Sinisa Jelicic on
> First off, did that work for you?
> @(x)x{400} represents an anonymous function.
> The parameter is defined by x. I passed In{1}(2:3) to x.
> The cellfun then goes through both cells In{1}(2) and In{1}(3) and
> grabs the {400} cell from each and returns them.
> 'un' is short for UniformOutput. see the cellfun documentation for
> more details.
> 0 stands for false, as in I am asking for not UniformOutput and to
> place output in individual cells
> Do you understand that you keep asking the same question over and over
> again?
> Manipulate what I gave you to retrieve the "40th element from <4500x1>
> from first 3 columns of <1x10>"
> Assume cellarray is your <1x10><4500x1>
> elementtoget = 40;
> cellfun(@(x)x{elementtoget},cellarray(1:3))
> -Nathan

Thanks, now I understand the principle
but it does not work I get this error

>> cellfun(@(x)x{40},tmp3(1:3))
??? Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.

Error in ==> @(x)x{40}

Thank you