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cross compiling expect
Dear List, I want to build a expect package for openwrt with the openwrt toolchain. But when it runns "./configure" I get configure: error: Expect can't be cross compiled But why? How can I crosscompile expect? I have Expect 5.43.0. Natanael ... 2 Jun 2010 17:35
instructor solution manual for Thomas' Calculus, Early Transcendentals, Media Upgrade, 11E by Thomas, Weir, Hass, Giordano
can I get the thomas calculus early transcendentals media upgrade, 11e solutions and manual please. ... 9 Jun 2010 23:06
teabags, teacups and black kettles.
Hi, why do I get the following message from using [teacup] ( from ActiveTcl8. ) ####################### Problems which occurred during the operation: * : Sizes not matching for compressed INDEX. The system used slow(er) re... 7 Jun 2010 09:37
Xming X11 server and fullscreen mode
Hello ! I'm working under windows XP, using Xming as a X11 server. I'm trying to maximize a toplevel window through wm attributes .t - fullscreen 1 but nothing happens ... I tried a simple example : toplevel .t pack [label .t.l -text "Hello !" -bg cyan] focus .t wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 does not ch... 3 Jun 2010 16:45
output error messages
Gang, I'm still working on the same script from the post yesterday (which had its previous problem resolved this morning). I'm issuing a 'mv' command via spawn but the script isn't throwing any errors, however the file thats attempted to be moved is not moving either. I'm sure there is an error message bei... 11 Jun 2010 11:25
sending email with smtp package
On Apr 26, 3:44 pm, Kevin Kenny <kenn...(a)> wrote: yahalomwrote: <-- 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. f11sm19020783wai.11 Did you do [package require tls] before doing the smtp::sendmessage ? The exchange looks as if there's no TLS support loaded.  Fromhttp://tcllib.sourceforg... 2 Jun 2010 09:48
Bwidget 1.9.1
Hi. In this version of the Bwidget the default -entrybg for spinbox comboBox... is gray, while in earlier bversions it is white. When upgrading to the newest version TCL, TCL we found that all of our application GUIs are changed, and we can't see the spinbox,comboBox... Updating all our applicati... 7 Jun 2010 11:52
variable with parameters
Gang, I'm racking my brain over this and have searched and searched for an answer with no luck. I'm trying to use the spawn command with information passed in, but seem to fail no matter what I try. An example: $binary and $params are passed into the script and contain 'ls' and '- al test.txt' respecti... 2 Jun 2010 08:42
MS Dictation and TCL - crashes tcl
I'm trying to use the MS dictation tool while in TCL 8.5 program. The text starts to appear, but then the program crashes. It would be great to find a way to make this work. Thanks! Barney Tcl 8.5 (wish 8.5) makeindex (12/14/2007) MSWinXP sp3 plenty of ram and storage ... 1 Jun 2010 17:29
Basic Tcl/Tk Perl integration
What is the easiest or most common way to link a perl script to a tcl/ tk user interface? I have a perl script that should take a huuuuge list of long length text arguments. The first thing came to my mind is using: "exec arg1 arg2..... argn" but this is going to be awkward when dealing with very long lis... 3 Jun 2010 15:38
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