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ANNOUNCE: Plotchart 1.8.3
I am pleased to announce the release of Plotchart 1.8.3. The changes consist of documenting features that were not documented before and of several bugfixes and enhancements discussed during the EuroTcl meeting last week. Note: This version does not introduce any new plot/chart types. That is for a next version... 7 Jun 2010 04:11
ANNOUNCE: Multi-column listbox and tree widget package Tablelist 5.0
On 6/5/10 5:34 PM, Csaba Nemethi wrote: I am pleased to announce version 5.0 of the multi-column listbox and tree widget package Tablelist. What is new in Tablelist 5.0? ----------------------------- 1. A tablelist widget is now not only a multi-column listbox, but also a multi-column tree... 6 Jun 2010 09:24
how can i bind page up/down to a large option menu
I have made a copy of the library code tk_optionMenu so I can make some changes (font etc.) I also would like to change it to add bindings for page up and down. It already comes with bindings for up and down arrow. If my menu has hundreds of items, I can scroll up/down with the arrow keys, but it takes a while t... 5 Jun 2010 14:41
Parser generator (+ Lexer) that actually works?
Hi, I've been trying to get hold of a parser generator + lexer combination that would give me a parser implemented in Tcl, that actually works. My experience so far: taccle + fickle - just outputs nothing. Even the demos fails to give any ouput. Yeti - I get bus error every time I use either the parser or t... 9 Jul 2010 10:32
Hi, which is the newest version of BLT and with wich version(s) of Tcl/tk is it compatible? Thanks Hans ... 25 Jun 2010 15:22
spinbox with 8.5.8
hi all, from the doc of the spinbox, abou the -command option : Specifies a Tcl command to invoke whenever a spinbutton is invoked. The command recognizes several percent substitutions: %W for the widget path, %s for the current value of the widget, and %d for the direction of the button pressed (up or down). m... 4 Jun 2010 13:38
ttk::combobox in "clam" theme
In the "clam" theme, the ttk::entry widget has a blue halo when it has the focus. The ttk::combobox, however, doesn't. It seems like they ought to work the same way. Anybody know how to make the ttk::combobox get the same blue outline when it has focus? ... 11 Jun 2010 15:53
IPC options on Windows
I've got a traditional server process, and also a GUI process which can keep an eye on and control the server process. Either one can run without the other, and either one might be started or stopped independently of the other. I'd been using DDE to communicate between them, which is great because it doesn'... 7 Jun 2010 08:31
What is the status of tdbc?
Hi all, I have a small corpus annotation tool and I need to add some collaboarative annotation facilities. I haven't still decided how to implement this (i.e. communication ammong instances of the tool in a network or through a central server), but a quick idea is to move the sqlite database the tool uses to... 3 Jun 2010 15:38
twapi bug?
Interesting sequence: This is OK: % package req twapi 2.2.3 % package req Expect 5.43 This is not: % package req Expect 5.43 % package req twapi can't import command "wait": already exists I don't think there ought to be any difference between the two sequences. DrS ... 3 Jun 2010 12:15
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