From: Inverse 19 mathematics on
HUMBLY !!,( we are stupid as anyone else)

1.First of all All black holes without Exception are a "cone of
inverse 19 paragon"

2. All Black holes will have a spiral descent at -1 at the midline
absolute linear

3. The descent is a slide of all the accumulated .01 mother load
''s(3/4 fusion of prop0rtions)

4. Nothing can be destroyed below -1 stable value (inverse law)

5. The speeds are calculable.

You are Expecting some massive formulas are you??? .In this new
Mathematics of the cone of 19 , formulas will be simple, and
predictions are mathematical rather than intiutive , Precisions are
based on the following .00000000000(11) and the inverse cord value is
0.00000000001(10) .

We invite all mathematicians and Physicists to understand the key
elements of Inverse mathematics , because over the course of this
development, we have had a lot of chaos as seen in our posts ,
without chaos there is no precision. We know little in any case, But
we do know that Inverse 19 is the paragon of Mathematical proportion,
so the sooner mathematicians undestand , the sooner we can change
mathematics --- Or you can still sing song like some mathematical
professors swearing " Indeterminate fractions" -" resonence is
limited to its genesis" , no genesis in mathematics is indeterminate,
because only 1 halts 1, and genesis is at -1 , not the current null

As .0000000000110000000000.-- this is determinate, 1 is a stop to 1
or 1-1=-1

This is NOT determinate 0.0000000000100000000001 0r 1-0 = 0, current

Hope Research