From: Kevin T on

Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Hi!
> I would like to use this one as a live console. Unfortunately it seems the 8
> AUXes are not really useful for monitoring purposes. AUX 1-2 and 3-4 are
> stereo (which means I can only use 2 in total with seperate send knobs) and
> those 2 are either pre or post.AUX 5-8 are always post.
> I understand there are switches inside to change:
> 1: PFL instead of solo
> 2: use "channel" as source for AUX 3-4 send
> Question:
> Can I change the AUX 5-8 to be pre fader?
> Has anyone done that?
> I need at least 4 pre AUXes for monitoring and 2 post ones for FX.
> Any help appreciated.
> Peter

My friend at, Dave Mosca, still uses a similar board
& says he believes there are internal jumpers to change those AUX to
pre fader.

Kevin T