From: Alex on
Thanks a lot for your post. I am confronting myself with a similar problem and you saved me lots of time! Now I know the reason for my problem, but what is the solution?

cha wrote:

IIS 5.1 won't start after reboot

I've managed to hose my IIS, and hose it good.

In troubleshooting a problem with CardSpace on the ASP.NET site I'm
developing, I ended up setting the ACL's to allow ASP read access to all the
keys in my MachineKeys store (as per a thread at That
fixed my problem...until I rebooted the next day.

Starting with the new boot, IIS refused to start. Each time I tried, Event
Viewer logged an error from Service Control Manager described as, "The IIS
Admin service terminated with service-specific error 2148073487
(0x8009000F)", with an event ID of 7024.

At the time I didn't mentally connect this with my monkeying around with the
machine keys, so I embarked on a troubleshooting path that included multiple
unsuccessful attempts to reinstall IIS, and ended with me reinstalling
Windows XP over itself.

Once Windows was reinstalled IIS worked fine again, as expected. But I was
back to square one on the CardSpace issue. So I set the ACL's on the machine
keys again like before, and once again CardSpace worked fine. All was well
until I rebooted a few minutes later and IIS went back to the behavior
described above.

At this point the Clue Bat finally connected with the back of my skull, and
I realized that there was almost certainly a connection.

I suspect the problem is that instead of only setting the ACL for the key
belonging to the SSL cert that CardSpace needed, I got lazy and did it for
all the keys in the directory, figuring "hey it's just a dev box, we can do
it properly when we put it on a production machine".

Yeah, I know. Bad dev.

Anyway, I tried revoking the ACL changes I had made, but to no avail. The
closest thing I've yet found online to someone having the same problem was at, where the symptom
was exactly the same but the cause was an invalid registry entry; I've
already checked and my own registry is correct in that manner.

If anyone has any ideas about how I could fix this without reinstalling
Windows again, I'd be most appreciative.

Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Friday, May 11, 2007 9:12 PM
cha wrote:

IIS 5.1 won't start after reboot
I've managed to hose my IIS, and hose it good.

In troubleshooting a problem with CardSpace on the ASP.NET site I'm
developing, I ended up setting the ACL's to allow ASP read access to all the
keys in my MachineKeys store (as per a thread at That
fixed my problem...until I rebooted the next day.

Starting with the new boot, IIS refused to start. Each time I tried, Event
Viewer logged an error from Service Control Manager described as, "The IIS
Admin service terminated with service-specific error 2148073487
(0x8009000F)", with an event ID of 7024.

At the time I didn't mentally connect this with my monkeying around with the
machine keys, so I embarked on a troubleshooting path that included multiple
unsuccessful attempts to reinstall IIS, and ended with me reinstalling
Windows XP over itself.

Once Windows was reinstalled IIS worked fine again, as expected. But I was
back to square one on the CardSpace issue. So I set the ACL's on the machine
keys again like before, and once again CardSpace worked fine. All was well
until I rebooted a few minutes later and IIS went back to the behavior
described above.

At this point the Clue Bat finally connected with the back of my skull, and
I realized that there was almost certainly a connection.

I suspect the problem is that instead of only setting the ACL for the key
belonging to the SSL cert that CardSpace needed, I got lazy and did it for
all the keys in the directory, figuring "hey it's just a dev box, we can do
it properly when we put it on a production machine".

Yeah, I know. Bad dev.

Anyway, I tried revoking the ACL changes I had made, but to no avail. The
closest thing I've yet found online to someone having the same problem was at, where the symptom
was exactly the same but the cause was an invalid registry entry; I've
already checked and my own registry is correct in that manner.

If anyone has any ideas about how I could fix this without reinstalling
Windows again, I'd be most appreciative.

On Monday, May 14, 2007 4:30 AM
wjzhan wrote:

RE: IIS 5.1 won't start after reboot
Hi Chad,

0x8009000f is: NTE_EXISTS # Object already exists.

Please try the following steps to resolve the problem.

1. Remove IIS (through Add/Remove).
2. Ensure anti-virus was disabled (Important)
3. Go to Documents and Settings \all users\application
data\microsoft\crypto\rsa\machinekeys dir
4. Copy all those files into the directory to somewhere else (to back them
5. Delete all these files (not the backups)
6. Reinstall IIS via Add/Remove.

The similar symptom could be caused by pcanywhere installation which is
documented in the following article:

PRB: Error Message "0x8009000F = Object Already Exists"



WenJun Zhang

Microsoft Online Community Support


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most efficient resolution. The offering is not appropriate for situations
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On Tuesday, May 15, 2007 11:48 AM
cha wrote:

Moving the keys out of the MachineKeys folder before reinstalling didn't fix
Moving the keys out of the MachineKeys folder before reinstalling didn't fix
the problem. However, I eventually tried deleting the MachineKeys folder
itself right before reinstalling, and that *did* do the trick. Thanks for
helping me get on the right track.

""WenJun Zhang[msft]"" wrote:

On Tuesday, May 15, 2007 11:42 PM
wjzhan wrote:

Chad,Glad to see the problem has been resolved.Have a nice day.

Glad to see the problem has been resolved.

Have a nice day.


WenJun Zhang

Microsoft Online Community Support


Get notification to my posts through email? Please refer to:

Note: The MSDN Managed Newsgroup support offering is for non-urgent issues
where an initial response from the community or a Microsoft Support
Engineer within 1 business day is acceptable. Please note that each follow
up response may take approximately 2 business days as the support
professional working with you may need further investigation to reach the
most efficient resolution. The offering is not appropriate for situations
that require urgent, real-time or phone-based interactions or complex
project analysis and dump analysis issues. Issues of this nature are best
handled working with a dedicated Microsoft Support Engineer by contacting
Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) at:


This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

On Monday, May 21, 2007 5:54 AM
Rag wrote:

RE: IIS 5.1 won't start after reboot
""WenJun Zhang[msft]"" wrote:

Hi WenJun Zhang ,

In the 2nd point of ur soluction, do we have disable Anti-virus for ever, or
we can enable it back after iis installation. ??

Please advice


On Wednesday, May 23, 2007 4:50 AM
Rags v wrote:

The IIS Admin service terminated with service-specific error 2148073487 (0x8009000F). Event Id: 7024

The same problem for me also, on my notebook (O/s : Win Xp pro with SP2, IIS 5.1)

I am getting the error "The IIS Admin service terminated with service-specific error 2148073487 (0x8009000F). Event Id: 7024"

I have followed some instructions like
1. Removing IIS
2. Disable anti-virsu software
3. Removed Machinekeys folder
4. reinstall IIs

It works fine at that time, but after RESTarting the system again the same error shows and IIS is not working .

any solutions please???

Thanks in Advacne

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