From: Leythos on 27 Dec 2009 08:10 In article <hh6nk1$59s$1(a)>, trt(a) says... > Message-ID: <hh6nk1$59s$1(a)> > And with every post you make you stalk myself and others - you've even registered an account at in my name (proof shown above). You are as unethical as anyone comes, dishonest to your core, and still taking others works and claiming they are your own creation. -- You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that. Trust yourself. spam999free(a) (remove 999 for proper email address)
From: O�s�om on 27 Dec 2009 11:04 On Sun, 27 Dec 2009 08:10:17 -0500, Leythos <spam999free(a)> wrote: Ah, hell give he/she a break. He/She is lonely. NO ONE came to see him/her for Christmas, let alone any presents, other than a lump of coal. >In article <hh6nk1$59s$1(a)>, trt(a) says... >> Message-ID: <hh6nk1$59s$1(a)> >> > >And with every post you make you stalk myself and others - you've even >registered an account at in my name (proof shown above). > >You are as unethical as anyone comes, dishonest to your core, and still >taking others works and claiming they are your own creation. ------- For every idiot proofed system devised, a new and improved idiot will arise to over come it.
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