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From: rick_s on 22 May 2010 16:39 The galaxies are like neurons and the universal spiderweb of galaxies is a huge neural net. What makes it conscious is it's ability to respond to random events like a computer that can act on imput. For example a computer program that monitors the weather and reports the fiondings including it's interpretation of the data. Random weather and with it's set of rules it has determined behaviors that have been placed there from one consciousness ( a programmer) to another, this extension of his consciousness, the weather program he wrote. This ability to respond to random events transfers the randomness to the host endowing it with what appears to be free will. The ability to decide how to respond to any event. The rest all trickles down as mind is shared amongst sentient beings (ram memory) and memories are stored in the planets and stars and background radiation like memory banks, and brain cells, of the giant brain, itself.. |