From: Bowser on
"John Navas" <spamfilter1(a)> wrote in message
> On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 15:47:52 -0400, "Bowser" <up(a)> wrote in
> <4abd1dbb$0$21092$ec3e2dad(a)>:
>>"John Navas" <spamfilter1(a)> wrote in message
>>> Those of us with real experience and open minds. ;)
>>Yeah, but some of us with open minds need to shoot football at night under
>>horrid lighting at ISO 6400. And, to make it worse, a lot of people want
>>print those pix. Dammit all.
> I don't. "Different strokes for different folks."

Understood. In another post, "99" told me I'm using ISO 6400 as a crutch
since I should be able to shoot those games at ISO 64 and pan my subjects.
Right. My typical shots are around 1/350th at 4f. At ISO 64, seven stops
lower in shutter speed, I'm shooting at somewhere around 1/10th of a second
shutter speed. Right...